Δεκέλεια Αττικής (Q1006561)

  • matcher place: Greece (relation 192307), Regional Unit of East Attica (relation 4477554)
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  • English Wikipedia categories: Cities in ancient Attica, Demoi, Former populated places in Greece, Populated places in ancient Attica
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Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Decelea (Ancient Greek: Δεκέλεια, Greek pronunciation: [ðe.ˈce.ʎa]), Dekéleia), was a deme and ancient village in northern Attica serving as a trade route connecting Euboea with Athens, Greece. It was situated near the entrance of the eastern pass across Mount Parnes, which leads from the northeastern part of the Athenian plain to Oropus, and from thence both to Tanagra on the one hand, and to Delium and Chalcis on the other. It was situated about 120 stadia from Athens, and the same distance from the frontiers of Boeotia. It was visible from Athens and from its heights the ships entering the harbour of Piraeus were visible as well.

Summary from Ελληνικά / Modern Greek Wikipedia (elwiki)

Η Δεκέλεια (αρχαία ελληνικά: Δεκέλεια‎‎), (ο δήμος: Δεκελείας, Δήμος Δεκελειών) ήταν αρχαίος οικισμός - πόλη και δήμος της Ιπποθοωντίδας (περιοχή της Αρχαίας Αττικής και φυλή της αρχαίας Αθήνας).

Summary from Nederlands / Dutch Wikipedia (nlwiki)

Dekeleia (Grieks: Δεκέλεια / Latijn Decelea) was, in het oude Griekenland, de naam van een Attische deme, gelegen aan de voet van het Parnesgebergte, ten noorden van Athene.

Summary from Français / French Wikipedia (frwiki)

Décélie (en grec ancien Δεκέλεια / Dekéleia) est un dème de l'Attique appartenant au territoire de la tribu Hippotontis. Il est situé près du mont Parnès, sur la route allant de Béotie à l'Eubée, à environ 22 km au nord-est d'Athènes.

Summary from Suomi / Finnish Wikipedia (fiwiki)

Dekeleia (m.kreik. Δεκέλεια, lat. Deceleia) oli antiikin aikainen kaupunki ja Hippothontis-fyleen kuulunut Attikan eli Ateenan kaupunkivaltion muodostaneen alueen demos. Se kuului fylen mesogeios-trittykseen eli Attikan sisämaa-alueen demoksiin ja sijaitsi suunnilleen nykyisen Tatóin alueella.

Summary from Русский язык / Russian Wikipedia (ruwiki)

Деке́лея (греч. Δεκέλεια) — один из важнейших стратегических пунктов древней Аттики, в 26 км к северу-востоку от Афин, господствовавший над проходом в Беотию через горный кряж Парнис к халкидской дороге, по которой ввозилась в Афины большая часть хлеба, поставляемого с острова Эвбея.

Summary from Deutsch / German Wikipedia (dewiki)

Dekeleia (griechisch Δεκέλεια (f. sg.)) ist ein Ortsteil der griechischen Stadt Acharnes.

Summary from Italiano / Italian Wikipedia (itwiki)

Decelea (in greco antico: Δεκέλεια?, Dekéleia) era un demo dell'Attica, situato sulla rotta commerciale che collegava l'Eubea con Atene, a 120 stadi da Atene e dalla Beozia.

Wikidata location: 38.1100, 23.7786 view on OSM or edit on OSM


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Former populated places in Greece boundary=administrative, landuse=residential, place, admin_level
Populated places in ancient Attica boundary=administrative, landuse=residential, place, admin_level