新世界 (Q1049117)

Summary from 日本語 / Japanese Wikipedia (jawiki)


Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Shinsekai (新世界, lit. New World) is an old neighbourhood located next to south Osaka City's downtown "Minami" area. The neighbourhood was created in 1912 with New York (specifically, Coney Island) as a model for its southern half and Paris for its northern half. At this location, a Luna Park amusement park operated from 1912 until it closed in 1923. The centrepiece of the neighbourhood was Tsutenkaku Tower (the "tower reaching to heaven").

Summary from 汉语 / Chinese Wikipedia (zhwiki)

新世界(日语:新世界しんせかい Shinseikai */?)是位於日本大阪府大阪市浪速區惠美須東的商圈(繁華街)。中央北邊是通天閣、南東部為南陽通商店街。

Summary from 한국어 / Korean Wikipedia (kowiki)

신세카이(일본어: 新世界 신세카이[*] →신세계)는 일본 오사카부 오사카시 나니와구에 있는 유흥가이다. 중심에 쓰텐카쿠(통천각, 通天閣)라고 불리는 전망대는 일본 최초로 엘리베이터가 설치된 전망대이며, 1943년1월에 초대 통천각이 가까이 있던 영화관에서 연소 화재로 타고 해체되어 1956년 재건축하여 지금의 모습으로 세워졌다. 츠텐카쿠의 높이는 피뢰침을 포함해 총 103미터로, 주요 전망대는 91미터에 해당하는 곳에 위치해 있다. 신세카이의 개발 당시 남쪽 지역은 뉴욕의 코니아일랜드를, 북쪽의 절반은 파리를 모델로 삼아 만들어졌다.

Summary from Nederlands / Dutch Wikipedia (nlwiki)

Shinsekai (新世界, lit. "Nieuwe Wereld" in het Nederlands) is een oude buurt in het zuiden van de regio Minami van Osaka. New York stond model voor de zuidelijke helft van Shinsekai, daar waar Parijs een belangrijke bron van inspiratie vormde voor de noordelijke helft van de buurt. Shinsekai werd in 1912 werd gesticht. Op deze locatie, opereerde het Luna Park pretpark van 1912 tot het sloot in 1923.

Summary from Français / French Wikipedia (frwiki)

Shinsekai (新世界, litt. « Nouveau monde ») est un quartier du sud du centre-ville d'Osaka, dans l'arrondissement Naniwa-ku. Le quartier a été créé en 1912 avec comme modèles New York pour sa moitié sud et Paris pour sa moitié nord. À cet endroit, un parc d'attractions a été exploité de 1912 jusqu'à sa fermeture en 1923,.

Wikidata location: 34.6522, 135.5061 view on OSM or edit on OSM


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