Schwestern von der Göttlichen Vorsehung (Q1262667)

  • matcher place: Mainz (relation 62630), Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund (relation 3158894)
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  • Wikipedia: English, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
  • English Wikipedia categories: 1851 establishments in the German Confederation, Catholic female orders and societies, Catholic nursing orders, Catholic teaching orders, Religious organizations established in 1851
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Summary from Deutsch / German Wikipedia (dewiki)

Die Schwestern von der Göttlichen Vorsehung (lateinisch Congregatio Divinae Providentia, Ordenskürzel CDP) sind eine katholische Ordensgemeinschaft mit den Tätigkeitsschwerpunkten im Schul- und Krankendienst, die 1851 durch Wilhelm Emmanuel von Ketteler, Bischof von Mainz, und Stephanie/Fanny Friederike Amelia de la Roche-Starkenfels (1812–1857), einer 1851 zum Katholizismus konvertierten deutschen Adeligen, gegründet wurde.

Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Congregation of Divine Providence (Latin: Congregatio Divinae Providentiae; German: Schwestern von der Göttlichen Vorsehung) is a Catholic religious institute of women that was founded in 1851 in the Grand Duchy of Hesse by Wilhelm Emmanuel von Ketteler, Bishop of Mainz, together with Stephanie Fredericke Amalie de la Roche von Starkenfels (1812–1857), a French noblewoman. The congregation was formally recognized by the Holy See on 16 July 1935.

Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

La Congregación de la Divina Providencia (oficialmente en latín: Congregatio Divinae Providentia; cooficialmente en alemán: Schwestern von der Göttlichen Vorsehung (Mainz)) es una congregación religiosa católica femenina, de vida apostólica y de derecho pontificio, fundada el 29 de septiembre de 1851, en Maguncia (Alemania), por el obispo Wilhelm Emmanuel von Ketteler. Las religiosas de este instituto se les conoce como hermanas de la Divina Providencia o hermanas de Maguncia y posponen a sus nombres la siglas C.D.P.[1]

Summary from Português / Portuguese Wikipedia (ptwiki)

Irmãs da Divina Providência é uma congregação religiosa católica feminina fundada em 1851 na Alemanha pelo bispo de Mogúncia, Wilhelm Emmanuel von Ketteler e pela senhora Stephanie Amelia Starkenfels de la Roche, uma nobre francesa.

Summary from Italiano / Italian Wikipedia (itwiki)

Le Suore della Divina Provvidenza, dette di Magonza, sono un istituto religioso femminile di diritto pontificio: le suore di questa congregazione pospongono al loro nome la sigla C.D.P.

Wikidata location: 49.9871, 8.1757 view on OSM or edit on OSM


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religious organization (Q1530022) operator:type=religious
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Religious organizations established in 1851 building=commercial, landuse=industrial