Burg Stahleck (Q449088)

  • matcher place: Landkreis Mainz-Bingen (relation 62632)
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  • English Wikipedia categories: Castles in Rhineland-Palatinate, Electoral Palatinate
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Summary from Deutsch / German Wikipedia (dewiki)

Die Burg Stahleck ist eine Höhenburg im Mittelrheintal auf dem Gebiet der Stadt Bacharach im rheinland-pfälzischen Landkreis Mainz-Bingen knapp 50 Kilometer südlich von Koblenz. Ihr wassergefüllter Halsgraben ist eine Seltenheit in Deutschland.

Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Stahleck Castle (German: Burg Stahleck) is a 12th-century fortified castle in the Upper Middle Rhine Valley at Bacharach in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. It stands on a crag approximately 160 metres (520 ft) above sea level on the left bank of the river at the mouth of the Steeg valley, approximately 50 kilometres (31 mi) south of Koblenz, and offers a commanding view of the Lorelei valley. Its name means "impregnable castle on a crag", from the Middle High German words stahel (steel) and ecke (here: crag). It has a water-filled partial moat, a rarity in Germany. Built on the orders of the Archbishop of Cologne, it was destroyed in the late 17th century but rebuilt in the 20th and is now a hostel.

Summary from Nederlands / Dutch Wikipedia (nlwiki)

De Burcht Stahleck (Duits: Burg Stahleck) is een hoogteburcht bij Bacharach in Rijnland-Palts. De burcht huisvest een jeugdherberg en werd na een eeuwenlang bestaan als ruïne in de 20e eeuw herbouwd.

Summary from Français / French Wikipedia (frwiki)

Le château Stahleck (en allemand : Burg Stahleck) est un château fort du XIIe siècle, situé en Allemagne.

Summary from Esperanto / Esperanto Wikipedia (eowiki)

La burgo Stahleck estas montburgo en la valo de la meza Rejno sur la teritorio de la urbo Bacharach en la distrikto Mainz-Bingen, germana federacia lando Rejnlando-Palatinato. La kolfosaĵo kun akvo estas raraĵo een Germanio.

Summary from Italiano / Italian Wikipedia (itwiki)

Il castello di Stahleck (in tedesco: Burg Stahleck) è un castello costruito tra la fine dell'XI e l'inizio del XII secolo nella gola del Reno (dal 2002 nell'elenco dei patrimoni dell'umanità dell'UNESCO) a Bacharach nella Renania-Palatinato, Germania. È situato su un'altura rocciosa approssimativamente a 160 metri sul livello del mare, sulla sponda sinistra del Reno, ai piedi della valle Steeg a circa 50 chilometri sud di Coblenza. Stahleck offre una vista spettacolare sulla valle Lorelei.

Summary from Język polski / Polish Wikipedia (plwiki)

Zamek Stahleck (niem. Burg Stahleck) – warowny zamek usytuowany w pobliżu miejscowości Bacharach, Nadrenia-Palatynat (Niemcy), po lewej stronie północnej części doliny środkowego Renu, z dziedzińca którego jest dobry widok na dolinę Renu.

Summary from Русский язык / Russian Wikipedia (ruwiki)

Шталек (нем. Sthaleck) — средневековый замок на вершине холма в долине Среднего Рейна над городом Бахарах в районе Майнц-Бинген в земле Рейнланд-Пфальц, примерно в 50 километрах к югу от Кобленца.

Wikidata location: 50.0581, 7.7656 view on OSM or edit on OSM


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found a single match candidate

way: Burg Stahleck (OSM), 19 m from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Burg Stahleck
historic: castle
wikidata: Q449088
addr:city: Bacharach
wikipedia: de:Burg Stahleck (Bacharach)
castle_type: defensive
seamark:type: landmark
addr:postcode: 55422
castle_type:de: Burg
seamark:landmark:name: Burg Stahleck
seamark:landmark:category: tower
seamark:landmark:conspicuity: conspicuous

wikidata match: Q449088

Search criteria from Wikidata

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military facility (Q18691599) military
castle (Q23413) historic=castle
building (Q41176) building=yes, building

Search criteria from categories

Castles in Rhineland-Palatinate historic=archaeological_site, historic=ruins, historic=castle, building=ruins, building=castle, historic=tower_house, tourism=attraction, place=locality