Trierer Dom (Q5920)

  • matcher place: Trier (relation 172679)
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  • English Wikipedia categories: Roman Catholic cathedrals in Rhineland-Palatinate, Roman Catholic churches in Trier, Romanesque architecture in Germany, World Heritage Sites in Germany
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Summary from Deutsch / German Wikipedia (dewiki)

Die Hohe Domkirche St. Peter zu Trier ist die älteste Bischofskirche Deutschlands und die Mutterkirche des Bistums Trier. Mit einer Länge von 112,5 Metern und einer Breite von 41 Metern ist das Bauwerk das größte Kirchengebäude der Stadt Trier und ein bedeutendes Zeugnis abendländischer sakraler Baukunst.

Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The High Cathedral of Saint Peter in Trier (German: Hohe Domkirche St. Peter zu Trier), or Trier Cathedral (German: Trierer Dom), is a Roman Catholic cathedral in Trier, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. It is the oldest cathedral in Germany and the largest religious structure in Trier, notable for its long life span and grand design. The central part of the nave was built of Roman brick in the early fourth century, resulting in a cathedral that was added onto gradually in different eras. The imposing Romanesque westwork, with four towers and an additional apse, has been copied repeatedly. The Trier Cathedral Treasury contains an important collection of Christian art. In 1986 the church was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, as part of the Roman Monuments, Cathedral of St. Peter and Church of Our Lady in Trier.

Summary from Nederlands / Dutch Wikipedia (nlwiki)

De Dom van Trier (Dom St. Peter) is de kathedraal van Trier en de oudste bisschopskerk van Duitsland. Hij gaat in de kern terug op een Romeinse basilica die vanaf 326 werd gebouwd door de Romeinse keizer Constantijn de Grote. In de 11de eeuw kreeg de dom zijn huidige westfaçade, die de Salische stijl vertegenwoordigt. De dom van Trier staat sinds 1986 op de Werelderfgoedlijst van de UNESCO.

Summary from Français / French Wikipedia (frwiki)

La cathédrale Saint-Pierre de Trèves (en allemand Trierer Dom) est une église de Trèves, dans le Land de Rhénanie-Palatinat et le siège du diocèse catholique de Trèves.

Summary from Lëtzebuergesch / Luxembourgish Wikipedia (lbwiki)

Den Tréierer Doum St. Peter (op Däitsch: Hohe Domkirche St. Peter zu Trier) ass déi eelst Kathedral an Däitschland an d'Mammekierch vum Bistum Tréier. Si läit am Stadzentrum vun Tréier.

Summary from Ქართული ენა / Georgian Wikipedia (kawiki)

ტრირის წმინდა პეტრეს ტაძარი (გერმ. Trierer Dom) — ეკლესია გერმანიის რაინლანდ-პფალცის მხარის ქალაქ ტრირში. ტრირის საარქიეპისკოპოსოს საკათედრო ტაძარი. ტაძრის მშენებლობა დაიწყო მაქსიმინე ტრირელის ეპისკოპოსობის პერიოდში (332—347 წწ.). 1986 წლიდან შესულია იუნესკოს მსოფლიო მემკვიდრეობის სიაში.

Summary from Català / Catalan Wikipedia (cawiki)

La Catedral de Sant Pere de Trèveris (en alemany, Trierer Dom o Hohe Domkirche Sankt Peter) és una catedral catòlica sota l'advocació de Sant Pere a la ciutat de Trèveris, a Renània-Palatinat (Alemanya). És la seu de l'arquebisbe catòlic de Trèveris.Està inscrita a la llista del Patrimoni de la Humanitat de la UNESCO des del 1986.

Wikidata location: 49.7561, 6.6431 view on OSM or edit on OSM


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found a single match candidate

way: Dom St. Peter zu Trier (OSM)exact location match [show tags]
name: Dom St. Peter zu Trier
amenity: place_of_worship
name:es: Catedral de San Pedro de Tréveris
name:fr: Cathédrale Saint-Pierre de Trèves
name:lb: Tréierer Doum
ref:whc: 367
building: cathedral
heritage: 1
religion: christian
wikidata: Q5920
addr:city: Trier
wikipedia: de:Trierer Dom
check_date: 2023-10-26
wheelchair: yes
addr:street: Domfreihof
addr:country: DE
denomination: roman_catholic
whc:criteria: (i)(iii)(iv)(vi)
addr:postcode: 54290
addr:housenumber: 4b
heritage:operator: whc
toilets:wheelchair: yes
whc:inscription_date: 1986
building:architecture: romanesque

wikidata match: Q5920

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Catholic church building (Q1088552) denomination=catholic
structure of worship (Q1370598) amenity=place_of_worship
church building (Q16970) religion=christian, building=church
cathedral (Q2977) building=cathedral
building (Q41176) building=yes, building
temple (Q44539) building=temple
Catholic cathedral (Q56242215) denomination=catholic
shrine (Q697295) building=shrine

Search criteria from categories

Roman Catholic cathedrals in Rhineland-Palatinate building=cathedral
Roman Catholic churches in Trier amenity=place_of_worship, man_made=tower, building=church, disused:amenity=place_of_worship
World Heritage Sites in Germany tourism=attraction