Chongming District (Q788812)

Summary from 汉语 / Chinese Wikipedia (zhwiki)


Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Chongming District (pronunciation ) is northernmost district of the provincial-level municipality of Shanghai. Chongming consists of three low-lying inhabited alluvial islands at the mouth of the Yangtze north of the Shanghai peninsula: Chongming, Changxing, and Hengsha. Following its massive expansion in the 20th century, Chongming is now the 2nd-largest island administered by the People's Republic of China and the 2nd-largest in Greater China, after Hainan. Chongming does not, however, administer all of the island: owing to its continual expansion from sediment deposited by the Yangtze, it has merged with formerly separate islands and now includes Jiangsu province's pene-exclave townships of Haiyong and Qilong. Chongming proper covers an area of 1,411 km2 (545 sq mi) and had a population of 704 000 at the time of the Sixth National Census in 2010.

Summary from 日本語 / Japanese Wikipedia (jawiki)

崇明区(すうめいく、簡体字中国語: 崇明区、拼音: Chóngmíng Qū、英語: Chongming District)は中華人民共和国上海市に位置する市轄区。

Summary from Język polski / Polish Wikipedia (plwiki)

Chongming (chin. 崇明县, pinyin: Chóngmíng Xiàn) – powiat w Chinach, na obszarze miasta wydzielonego Szanghaj. Obejmuje trzy wyspy położone w ujściu rzeki Jangcy – Chongming Dao (pow. 1267 km²), Zhangxing Dao (pow. 88 km²) i Hengsha Dao (pow. 56 km²). W 2000 roku liczył 649 812 mieszkańców.

Summary from Français / French Wikipedia (frwiki)

Le district de Chongming (崇明区 ; pinyin : Chóngmíng Qū) est un district administratif de la municipalité de Shanghai en Chine. Il comprend trois îles : l'île de Chongming (崇明岛 ; pinyin : Chóngmíng Dǎo), troisième plus grande île de Chine, et deux plus petites : l'île de Changxing et l'île de Hengsha. Sa superficie est de 1 041,38 km2.

Summary from Nederlands / Dutch Wikipedia (nlwiki)

Chongming is na Hainan het grootste eiland van de Volksrepubliek China (het eiland Taiwan niet meegerekend) en een county van de stadsprovincie Shanghai.

Summary from 한국어 / Korean Wikipedia (kowiki)

충밍 구(한국어: 숭명구, 중국어: 崇明区, 병음: Chóngmíng Qū)는 중화인민공화국 상하이시의 시할구로, 장강 입구 해구의 충밍 섬에 위치하고 있다. 전체 인구는 70.1만 명(2005년 기준), 외래 인구는 8.3만 명이다. 농업과 공업 위주의 경제를 영위한다.

Summary from Deutsch / German Wikipedia (dewiki)

Chongming (chinesisch 崇明區 / 崇明区, Pinyin Chóngmíng Qū) ist ein Stadtbezirk innerhalb der Regierungsunmittelbaren Stadt Shanghai. Er setzt sich zusammen aus der gleichnamigen Insel Chongming sowie den ihr südlich vorgelagerten Inseln Changxing und Hengsha und gilt als letztes relativ unberührtes Gebiet der Stadt Shanghai.

Wikidata location: 31.6283, 121.3983 view on OSM or edit on OSM


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