Match: Q25056669 + way/33797589

Wikidata location: -16.2500, 59.6000 view on OSM

Match details

OSM tag name=Albatros Island matches Albatross Island, St. Brandon in these Wikidata fields:

  • label: en
  • sitelink: enwiki

OSM tag name=Albatros Island matches Альбатрос in these Wikidata fields:

  • label: ru

OSM tag name=Albatros Island matches Albatross Island in these Wikidata fields:

  • extract: enwiki

Search criteria from categories

Islands of St. Brandon place=islet, place=island, boundary=administrative, admin_level
Outer Islands of Mauritius place=islet, place=island, boundary=administrative, admin_level
Reefs of the Indian Ocean natural=reef, boundary=administrative