Match: Q4617404 + way/132610641

Wikidata location: 26.2057, 127.6951 view on OSM

Match details

OSM tag name:en=Okinawa Prefectural College of Nursing matches Okinawa Prefectural College of Nursing in these Wikidata fields:

  • label: en
  • label: en-ca
  • label: en-gb
  • sitelink: enwiki
  • extract: enwiki

OSM tag name=沖縄県立看護大学 matches 沖縄県立看護大学 in these Wikidata fields:

  • label: ja
  • sitelink: jawiki

OSM tag name:ja=沖縄県立 看護大学 matches 沖縄県立看護大学 in these Wikidata fields:

  • label: ja
  • sitelink: jawiki

Search criteria from categories

Kyushu university stubs building=university, site=university, amenity=university, type=site
Nursing schools in Japan building=college, amenity=college, building=school, amenity=school, type=site, site=school
Public universities in Japan building=university, site=university, amenity=university, type=site
Universities and colleges established in 1946 building=university, building=college, amenity=university, site=college, site=university, amenity=college, type=site
Universities and colleges in Okinawa Prefecture building=university, building=college, amenity=university, site=college, site=university, amenity=college, type=site