Match: Q499911 + way/318191733

Wikidata location: 45.0694, 7.6889 view on OSM

Match details

OSM tag name=Università di Torino matches Universitas Torino in these Wikidata fields:

  • label: id
  • sitelink: idwiki

OSM tag name=Università di Torino matches Università di Torino in these Wikidata fields:

  • alias: it

Search criteria from categories

Schools in Turin building=college, amenity=college, building=school, amenity=school, type=site, site=school
Universities and colleges in Piedmont building=university, building=college, amenity=university, site=college, site=university, amenity=college, type=site
Universities in Piedmont building=university, site=university, amenity=university, type=site
University of Turin building=university, site=university, amenity=university, type=site