Match: Q6780317 + way/41965043

Wikidata location: 38.9082, -77.0309 view on OSM

Match details

OSM tag name=Mary McLeod Bethune Council House matches Mary McLeod Bethune Council House in these Wikidata fields:

  • image: None

OSM tag dcgis:name=Mary McLeod Bethune Council House matches Mary McLeod Bethune Council House in these Wikidata fields:

  • image: None

Search criteria from categories

African-American historic house museums building=museum, tourism=attraction, tourism=gallery, tourism=museum, historic=museum
African-American museums in Washington, D.C. building=museum, tourism=attraction, tourism=gallery, tourism=museum, historic=museum
Biographical museums in Washington, D.C. building=museum, tourism=attraction, tourism=gallery, tourism=museum, historic=museum
District of Columbia Inventory of Historic Sites boundary=protected_area, historic
Houses on the National Register of Historic Places in Washington, D.C. historic=manor, boundary=protected_area, building=country_house, historic
National Capital Parks-East leisure=park, landuse=recreation_ground, leisure=common, boundary=national_park
National Historic Sites in Washington, D.C. boundary=protected_area, historic
Women's museums in the United States building=museum, tourism=attraction, tourism=gallery, tourism=museum, historic=museum