Match: Q7395015 + way/80670389

Wikidata location: 42.6481, -73.7495 view on OSM

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Search criteria from categories

Individually listed contributing properties to historic districts on the National Register in New York (state) place, admin_level, leisure=park, boundary=protected_area, boundary=administrative, landuse=residential
National Register of Historic Places in Albany, New York boundary=protected_area, historic
Office buildings completed in 1914 building=commercial, landuse=commercial, office, building=office
Office buildings on the National Register of Historic Places in New York (state) building=commercial, landuse=commercial, building=office, boundary=protected_area, historic, office
Skyscraper office buildings in New York (state) building=commercial, landuse=commercial, office, building=office
Skyscrapers in Albany, New York height, building:levels
State University of New York building=university, site=university, amenity=university, type=site