Match: Q96574700 + way/884496835

  • Wikidata: Herberg Heidelberg (Q96574700)
  • OSM: 26 Torhoutsesteenweg (way 884496835)
  • matcher place: West Flanders (relation 416271), Zedelgem (relation 1399113), Brugge (relation 2239546)
  • distance between Wikidata coordinates and OSM location: 33 m
  • Tags from Wikidata and Wikipedia: amenity=restaurant, amenity=shelter, building, building=commercial, building=hotel, building=office, building=yes, craft=sawmill, government, government=agency, industrial=factory, industrial=sawmill, man_made=works, office, operator:type=government, restaurant, service, tourism, tourism=guest_house, tourism=hotel, tourism=yes
Wikidata location: 51.1488, 3.1642 view on OSM

Match details

Match detail not available.