下野国 (Q1053699)

Summary from 日本語 / Japanese Wikipedia (jawiki)


Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Shimotsuke Province (下野国, Shimotsuke-no kuni) was a province of Japan in the area of Japan that is today Tochigi Prefecture. Shimotsuke was bordered by Kōzuke, Hitachi, Mutsu and Shimōsa Provinces. Its abbreviated form name was Yashū (野州). Under the Engishiki classification system, Shimotsuke was ranked as one of the 13 "great countries" (大国) in terms of importance, and one of the 30 "far countries" (遠国) in terms of distance from the capital. The provincial capital is located in what is now the city of Tochigi. The Ichinomiya of the province is the Futarasan jinja located in what is now the city of Utsunomiya.

Summary from 汉语 / Chinese Wikipedia (zhwiki)

下野國(日语:下野国下野國しもつけのくに Shimotsukenokuni */?),日本古代的令制國之一,屬東山道,又稱野州。下野國的領域大約為現在的栃木縣。

Summary from 한국어 / Korean Wikipedia (kowiki)

시모쓰케국(일본어: 下野国 시모쓰케노쿠니[*])는 도산도에 있던 일본의 옛 구니이다. 현재의 도치기현에 해당한다.

Summary from Türkçe / Turkish Wikipedia (trwiki)

Shimotsuke vilayeti (Japonca: 下野国, romanize: Shimotsuke no kuni) veya Yashū (野州), Japonya'nın tarihi vilayetlerinden biri idi. Vilayet Honshū adasında Tōsandō bölgesinde yer almaktaydı ve sınırları günümüz Tochigi prefektörlüğünü kapsamaktaydı. Vilayetin merkezi günümüz Tochigi idi.

Summary from Français / French Wikipedia (frwiki)

La province de Shimotsuke (下野国, Shimotsuke-no kuni) est une ancienne province du Japon qui est aujourd'hui la préfecture de Tochigi.

Summary from Nederlands / Dutch Wikipedia (nlwiki)

Shimotsuke (下野国, Shimotsuke no kuni) is een voormalige provincie van Japan, gelegen in de huidige prefectuur Tochigi. Shimotsuke lag naast de provincies Musashi, Mutsu, Shimousa, Hitachi en Kozuke.

Wikidata location: 36.6589, 139.7908 view on OSM or edit on OSM


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