Geographisches Institut, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Q107185109)

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Wikidata location: 52.4320, 13.5344 view on OSM or edit on OSM


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found 11 match candidates

relation: Lise-Meitner-Haus Institut für Physik (HU) (OSM), 432 m from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Lise-Meitner-Haus Institut für Physik (HU)
name:de: Lise-Meitner-Haus Institut für Physik (HU)
name:en: Lise-Meitner-Haus Department of Physics (HU)
building: university
operator: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
wikidata: Q119397183
addr:city: Berlin
department: physics
roof:shape: flat
addr:street: Newtonstraße
addr:suburb: Adlershof
addr:country: DE
addr:postcode: 12489
building:parts: vertical
building:levels: 4
addr:housenumber: 15

wikidata mismatch: Q119397183
relation: 6 Zum Großen Windkanal (OSM), 342 m from Wikidata [show tags]
building: university
operator: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
addr:city: Berlin
department: physics
roof:shape: flat
addr:street: Zum Großen Windkanal
roof:colour: grey
addr:postcode: 12489
building:parts: vertical
building:colour: white
building:levels: 4
addr:housenumber: 6
relation: ehem. Motorenhöhenprüfstand, AG Supramolekulare Systeme SMS (HU) (OSM), 0.60 km from Wikidata [show tags]
name: ehem. Motorenhöhenprüfstand, AG Supramolekulare Systeme SMS (HU)
building: university
operator: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
wikidata: Q1578934
addr:city: Berlin
wikipedia: de:Motorenhöhenprüfstand
department: physics
roof:shape: flat
addr:street: Brook-Taylor-Straße
addr:postcode: 12489
building:parts: vertical
building:levels: 4
addr:housenumber: 6

wikidata mismatch: Q1578934
relation: Emil-Fischer-Haus Institut für Chemie (HU) (OSM), 0.60 km from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Emil-Fischer-Haus Institut für Chemie (HU)
name:de: Emil-Fischer-Haus Institut für Chemie (HU)
name:en: Emil-Fischer-Haus Department of Chemistry
building: university
operator: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
addr:city: Berlin
department: chemistry
roof:shape: flat
addr:street: Brook-Taylor-Straße
addr:postcode: 12489
building:levels: 4
addr:housenumber: 2
relation: Walter Nernst-Haus Lehrraumgebäude Chemie Physik (HU) (OSM), 0.60 km from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Walter Nernst-Haus Lehrraumgebäude Chemie Physik (HU)
name:de: Walter Nernst-Haus Lehrraumgebäude Chemie Physik (HU)
name:en: Walter-Nernst-Haus Physics and Chemistry Administrative and Teaching Centre
building: university
operator: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
addr:city: Berlin
department: chemistry;physics
roof:shape: flat
short_name: LCP
addr:street: Newtonstraße
addr:postcode: 12489
building:parts: vertical
building:levels: 5
addr:housenumber: 14
way: Wolfgang-Köhler-Haus (OSM), 56 m from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Wolfgang-Köhler-Haus
building: university
operator: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
department: psychology
way: Johann-von-Neumann-Haus (OSM), 0.57 km from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Johann-von-Neumann-Haus
building: university
operator: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
addr:city: Berlin
department: computer_science;mathematics
roof:shape: flat
addr:street: Rudower Chaussee
addr:suburb: Adlershof
roof:levels: 0
addr:country: DE
addr:postcode: 12489
building:levels: 5
addr:housenumber: 25
name:etymology:wikidata: Q17455
name:etymology:wikipedia: de:John von Neumann
node: Institut für Psychologie (HU) (OSM), 74 m from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Institut für Psychologie (HU)
amenity: university
operator: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
addr:city: Berlin
department: psychology
wheelchair: yes
addr:street: Rudower Chaussee
addr:suburb: Adlershof
addr:country: DE
addr:postcode: 12489
addr:housenumber: 18
node: Institut für Informatik (OSM), 0.61 km from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Institut für Informatik
name:en: Department of Computer Science
operator: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
addr:city: Berlin
department: computer_science
addr:street: Rudower Chaussee
addr:suburb: Adlershof
addr:country: DE
addr:postcode: 12489
addr:housenumber: 25
node: Institut für Mathematik (OSM), 0.69 km from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Institut für Mathematik
name:en: Department of Mathematics
operator: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
addr:city: Berlin
department: mathematics
addr:street: Rudower Chaussee
addr:suburb: Adlershof
addr:country: DE
addr:postcode: 12489
addr:housenumber: 25
node: Geographisches Institut (OSM), 3 m from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Geographisches Institut
amenity: university
operator: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
addr:city: Berlin
department: geography
university: institute
addr:street: Rudower Chaussee
addr:country: DE
addr:postcode: 12489
operator:type: university
internet_access: yes
addr:housenumber: 16

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