2022 Bronx apartment fire (Q110494678)

Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

On the morning of January 9, 2022, a high-rise fire killed seventeen people, including eight children, at the Twin Parks North West, Site 4, high-rise apartment building in the Bronx, New York City, United States. Forty-four people were injured, and thirty-two with life-threatening injuries were sent to five different borough hospitals. Fifteen were in critical condition the day after the fire.

Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

El incendio en El Bronx de 2022 ocurrió en la mañana del 9 de enero de 2022 en Twin Parks North West, Site 4, un edificio de gran altura situado en El Bronx, un distrito de Nueva York (Estados Unidos). En el incendio murieron 17 personas[1][2]​ (entre ellas 8 niños)[3][4][2]​ y 44 personas resultaron heridas (32 con lesiones potencialmente mortales).[5]​ De ellas 15 llegaron en estado crítico a los centros de salud.[6]

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