정교회 성 니콜라스 대성당 (Q11269904)

Summary from 한국어 / Korean Wikipedia (kowiki)

정교회 성 니콜라스 대성당은 서울특별시 마포구 마포대로18길 43에 있는 정교회 한국 수도 대교구의 대성당이다. 1906년 러시아 정교회 선교사들이 세운 정동 성 니콜라이 성당(현재의 경향신문 사옥 터)을 아현동에 옮겨 다시 지은 건물이다.

Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

St. Nicholas Cathedral (Korean: 정교회 성 니콜라스 대성당) is an Eastern Orthodox church that serves as the main cathedral of the Metropolis of Korea. It is located in Ahyeon-dong, Mapo District, Seoul, South Korea.

Summary from 日本語 / Japanese Wikipedia (jawiki)

ソウル聖ニコラス大聖堂(朝鮮語: 서울 성 니콜라스 대성당、ソウルソンニコルラスデソンダン、そうるせいにこらすだいせいどう)は、ソウル特別市麻浦区(マポグ)阿(アヒョン)1洞にある韓国正教会大教区の府主教座聖堂。

Summary from 汉语 / Chinese Wikipedia (zhwiki)

正教会圣尼古拉斯圣堂(韓語:정교회 성 니콜라스 대성당)是韩国正教会的主教座堂,位于首尔麻浦区。1906年由俄罗斯正教会传教士兴建。

Summary from Français / French Wikipedia (frwiki)

La cathédrale Saint-Nicolas est une cathédrale orthodoxe située à Séoul.

Wikidata location: 37.5515, 126.9571 view on OSM or edit on OSM


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structure of worship (Q1370598) amenity=place_of_worship
church building (Q16970) building=church, religion=christian
cathedral (Q2977) building=cathedral
building (Q41176) building, building=yes
temple (Q44539) building=temple
shrine (Q697295) building=shrine

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20th-century churches in South Korea man_made=tower, disused:amenity=place_of_worship, building=church, amenity=place_of_worship
20th-century Eastern Orthodox church buildings man_made=tower, disused:amenity=place_of_worship, building=church, amenity=place_of_worship
Churches completed in 1968 man_made=tower, disused:amenity=place_of_worship, building=church, amenity=place_of_worship
Churches in Seoul man_made=tower, disused:amenity=place_of_worship, building=church, amenity=place_of_worship
Eastern Orthodox cathedrals building=cathedral