讀賣テレビ放送 (Q1142348)

Summary from 日本語 / Japanese Wikipedia (jawiki)

讀賣テレビ放送株式会社(よみうりテレビほうそう、英: YOMIURI TELECASTING CORPORATION)は、近畿広域圏を放送対象地域としたテレビジョン放送事業を行っている特定地上基幹放送事業者。 大阪府大阪市中央区に本社を置く在阪テレビジョン放送局。

Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

JOIX-DTV (channel 10), branded as Yomiuri TV (読売テレビ, Yomiuri Terebi, YTV (stylized as ytv°)), is the Kansai region flagship station of the Nippon News Network and the Nippon Television Network System, owned by the Yomiuri Telecasting Corporation (讀賣テレビ放送株式会社, Yomiuri Terebi Hōsō kabushiki gaisha), itself partially controlled by the eponymous Yomiuri Shimbun Holdings, Japan's largest media conglomerate; Yomiuri TV forms part of Yomiuri's main television broadcasting arm alongside Kantō region flagship Nippon Television, which owns a 15.89% share in the company. Founded as New Osaka Television Co. on February 13, 1958, and renamed Yomiuri Telecasting Corporation on August 1, the station started broadcasting on August 28 as the first TV station to be affiliated with Nippon Television Network Corporation. Its studios are located in the Osaka Business Park district of Osaka.

Summary from 汉语 / Chinese Wikipedia (zhwiki)

讀賣電視放送株式會社(日语:讀賣テレビ放送株式会社よみうりテレビほうそう Yomiuri Terebi Hōsō */?,英語:YOMIURI TELECASTING CORPORATION),通稱讀賣電視台読売テレビ、よみうりテレビ),簡稱「ytv」,是以日本近畿廣域圈(大阪府、京都府、兵庫縣、滋賀縣、奈良縣、和歌山縣)為播出地區的電視台,總部位於大阪府大阪市中央區。讀賣電視台是日本電視台聯播網(NNN及NNS)的準核心台,也是大阪的四家準核心台中唯一由東京的核心台參與設立的電視台。讀賣電視台的識別呼號是JOIX-DTV,遙控器號碼是10頻道。讀賣電視台為日本電視台系列的聯播網貢獻了眾多節目,其中又以動畫領域見長,製作了包括《名偵探柯南》在內的眾多知名作品。

Summary from 한국어 / Korean Wikipedia (kowiki)

요미우리 TV 방송(読売テレビ放送, Yomiuri Telecasting Corporation, Inc.)는 긴키 광역권의 민영 텔레비전 방송사로 약칭은 ytv, 호출부호는 JOIX-DTV이다. 또는 일본 YTV라고도 부른다.

Summary from Français / French Wikipedia (frwiki)

Yomiuri Telecasting Corporation (讀賣テレビ放送株式会社, Yomiuri Terebi Hōsō Kabushiki Gaisha, YTV, ytv, Yomiuri TV (読売テレビ)) est une chaine de télévision ayant relation avec la chaine Nippon News Network et Nippon Television Network System (NNS) basée à Osaka au Japon et fondée en tant que "New Osaka Television Co. (新大阪テレビ放送株式会社, Shin Ōsaka Terebi Hōsō Kabushiki Gaisha, NOTV)" le . Le , New Osaka TV changeait de nom pour devenir "Yomiuri Telecasting Corporation" et commençait sa diffusion pour la première fois le .


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Television channels and stations established in 1958 public_transport=stop_area, railway=halt, public_transport=station, railway=tram_stop, railway=station, railway=historic_station, building=train_station
Television stations in Japan public_transport=stop_area, railway=halt, public_transport=station, railway=tram_stop, railway=station, railway=historic_station, building=train_station