Ten Mile Point Ecological Reserve (Q116145966)

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Wikidata location: 48.4500, -123.2639 view on OSM or edit on OSM


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relation: Ten Mile Point Ecological Reserve (OSM)exact location match [show tags]
name: Ten Mile Point Ecological Reserve
access: permit
source: DataBC TANTALIS - Parks, Ecological Reserves, and Protected Areas
leisure: nature_reserve
website: https://bcparks.ca/eco_reserve/tenmile_er.html
boundary: protected_area
start_date: 1975
description: Ten Mile Point Ecological Reserve was established to provide an undisturbed, intertidal and subtidal study area accessible by car in the Greater Victoria area. Due to the sensitive nature of this area, a permit is required prior to entering this ecologica
wikidata: Q116145966

wikidata match: Q116145966

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nature reserve (Q179049) boundary=protected_area, leisure=nature_reserve
protected area (Q473972) boundary=protected_area