[timeout:300][out:json]; ( node(around:1000,-30.08889,17.97917)["natural"="mountain_range"][name]; way(around:1000,-30.08889,17.97917)["natural"="mountain_range"][name]; rel(around:1000,-30.08889,17.97917)["natural"="mountain_range"][name]; ); out center tags;
The Kamiesberg or Kamiesberge (Khoikhoi "Th'amies" = "jumble"), is a mountain range of jumbled granite inselbergs or bornhardts dotted over sandy plains and centered on Kamieskroon in Namaqualand in South Africa. This range is very like the Matopos of Zimbabwe in appearance. It stretches for about 140 km (60 mi) from Garies in the south to Springbok in the north and forms a plateau between the Sandveld of the Cape West Coast and Bushmanland in the east, with the Hardveld of the mountainous central Kamiesberg escarpment in the midst.
De Kamiesbergen (Afrikaans: Kamiesberge, Khoikhoi: Th'amies) is een bergketen van granieten inselbergen of eilandbergen die verspreid liggen over de zandige hoogvlakte rond de berg en het gelijknamige plaatsje Kamieskroon in Namakwaland in de Zuid-Afrikaanse provincie Noord-Kaap.
Die Kamiesberg is 'n reeks losstaande koppies in die weste van die Noord-Kaap in Suid-Afrika.
no matches found
mountain system (Q46831) | natural=mountain_range |