Ladronka (Q12032660)

Summary from Čeština / Czech Wikipedia (cswiki)

Ladronka je jedna z nejznámějších pražských usedlostí, její adresa je Tomanova 1028/1. Stojí nedaleko od břevnovské vilové zástavby. Přilehlý park Ladronka slouží pěším, cyklistům a především bruslařům; konají se zde různé kulturní akce, jako např. Ladronkafest, Čarodějnice na Ladronce a jiné.

Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Ladronka is a homestead (usedlost) situated in a park in Břevnov, Prague 6, in the Czech Republic. Built by Charles IV in 1340, it was bought by an Italian count, then owned by the Sovereign Military Order of Malta before being broken into flats during the communist period. It was then squatted in 1993, becoming an internationally famous anarchist, self-managed social centre. The squatters organised gigs, exhibitions, readings and theatre, before being evicted in 2000 following the anti-globalization protests in Prague. After several years of renovation, Ladronka was re-opened as an activity centre in 2005, serving the surrounding park.

Wikidata location: 50.0786, 14.3565 view on OSM or edit on OSM


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