[timeout:300][out:json]; ( node(around:1000,-25.72722,28.18861)[place=neighbourhood][name]; way(around:1000,-25.72722,28.18861)[place=neighbourhood][name]; rel(around:1000,-25.72722,28.18861)[place=neighbourhood][name]; node(around:1000,-25.72722,28.18861)[place=suburb][name]; way(around:1000,-25.72722,28.18861)[place=suburb][name]; rel(around:1000,-25.72722,28.18861)[place=suburb][name]; ); out center tags;
Capital Park is one of Pretoria's oldest and first suburbs and lies approximately 4 km north of the historic Church Square, behind the Pretoria National Zoo. The neighbourhood is bordered by the Witwatersberge on the south side and the Apies River on the west side. The neighbourhood extends from the Apies River to Johan Heyns Drive (previously Voortrekker Street). Streets in the neighbourhood are named after early mayors of Pretoria (Venter Street, Malherbe Street, Van Heerden Street, Myburg Street). One of the former mayoral residences is in Capital Park. Capital Park was previously a very popular neighbourhood among Italian as well as Portuguese communities – the Portuguese Church is still in Van Heerden Street (2010). The residential area today is cosmopolitan, with predominantly Afrikaans speaking inhabitants. The CPRTA (Capital Park Residents and Taxpayers Association) functions as residents' association to look after the interests of its residents.
Capital Park is een van Pretoria se oudste en eerste voorstede en lê sowat 4 km noord van die geskiedkundige Kerkplein, agter die Pretoria Nasionale Dieretuin. Die woonbuurt word omgrens deur die Witwatersberge aan die suidekant en die Apiesrivier aan die westekant. Die woonbuurt strek vanaf die Apiesrivier tot by Voortrekkerweg. Strate in die woonbuurt is vernoem na vroeë burgemeesters van Pretoria (Venterstraat, Malherbestraat, Van Heerdenstraat, Myburgstraat). Een van die voormalige burgemeesterswonings is in Capital Park. Capital Park was voorheen 'n baie gewilde buurt onder Italiaanse, asook Portugese gemeenskappe – die Portugese Kerk is steeds in Van Heerdenstraat (2010). Die woonbuurt is vandag kosmopolities, met oorwegend Afrikaanssprekende inwoners. CAPRPA (Capital Park Inwoners en Belastingbetalers Vereniging) funksioneer as inwonersvereniging om na die belange van die buurt se inwoners om te sien.
Capital Park est un quartier résidentiel de Pretoria en Afrique du Sud, situé à proximité du centre-ville.
found 2 match candidates
neighborhood (Q123705) | place=neighbourhood |
suburb (Q188509) | place=suburb |
Suburbs of Pretoria | boundary=administrative, place=suburb, landuse=residential, admin_level |