Krantzkloof Nature Reserve (Q13432936)

Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Krantzkloof Nature Reserve, managed by Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife, conserves 668 ha of the Molweni (Zulu: 'mutual greetings') and Nkutu River gorges that incise the sandstone Kloof plateau in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The reserve conserves coastal scarp forest, sourveld grassland, a cliff face biotope, and aquatic environments along its rivers. Scarp forest is a threatened forest type, protected by South Africa's forests act of 1998, while the grassland is classified as KwaZulu-Natal sandstone sourveld, the most threatened terrestrial habitat in the Durban metropole. The reserve was established in 1950 and was augmented by land donations as late as 1999.

Summary from Afrikaans / Afrikaans Wikipedia (afwiki)

Die Krantzkloof-natuurreservaat, bestuur deur Ezemvelo KZN-Natuurlewe, bewaar 584 ha van die bolope van die Molweni- en Nkutu-ravyne in KwaZulu-Natal, wat deur erosie uit die sandsteen Kloofplato verweer is. Die riviere het 'n samevloeiing 1 km buite die reservaat, en vloei sowat 2 km verder in die Umgeni. Die reservaat is in 1950 verklaar, en is so onlangs as 1999 deur landskenkings aangevul.

Wikidata location: -29.7643, 30.8509 view on OSM or edit on OSM


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relation: Krantzkloof Nature Reserve (OSM)exact location match [show tags]
name: Krantzkloof Nature Reserve
is_in: KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
leisure: nature_reserve
name:af: Krantzkloof Natuurreservaat
name:en: Krantzkloof Nature Reserve
boundary: protected_area
sagns_id: 75595
wikidata: Q13432936
protect_class: 7
protection_title: Nature Reserve

wikidata match: Q13432936

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protected area (Q473972) boundary=protected_area