[timeout:300][out:json]; ( node(around:1000,52.75000,13.51667)[subject][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; way(around:1000,52.75000,13.51667)[subject][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; rel(around:1000,52.75000,13.51667)[subject][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; node(around:1000,52.75000,13.51667)[natural=lake][name]; way(around:1000,52.75000,13.51667)[natural=lake][name]; rel(around:1000,52.75000,13.51667)[natural=lake][name]; node(around:1000,52.75000,13.51667)[natural=water][name]; way(around:1000,52.75000,13.51667)[natural=water][name]; rel(around:1000,52.75000,13.51667)[natural=water][name]; node(around:1000,52.75000,13.51667)[water=lake][name]; way(around:1000,52.75000,13.51667)[water=lake][name]; rel(around:1000,52.75000,13.51667)[water=lake][name]; node(around:1000,52.75000,13.51667)[water=pond][name]; way(around:1000,52.75000,13.51667)[water=pond][name]; rel(around:1000,52.75000,13.51667)[water=pond][name]; ); out center tags;
Der zum Wandlitzer Seengebiet gehörende Liepnitzsee liegt acht Kilometer nördlich der Berliner Stadtgrenze auf dem Gebiet der Stadt Bernau bei Berlin und der Gemeinde Wandlitz und ist einer der saubersten Seen in Brandenburg. Der See füllt eine aufgegabelte Glaziale Rinne, die über das Grundmoränenplateau des Barnim verläuft. Seine größte Ausdehnung erreicht der See in Ost-West-Richtung.
Liepnitzsee is a German lake located in the municipalities of Wandlitz and Bernau bei Berlin, Brandenburg. At an elevation of 49.7 m, its surface area is 1.17 km2. The lake is a popular destination for outdoor activities such as swimming, boating, and hiking. It features clear, clean water and is surrounded by lush forests, making it an ideal spot for nature lovers and tourists seeking a peaceful retreat. Liepnitzsee also has a small island, Großer Werder, accessible by ferry or swimming, adding to its appeal as a scenic and recreational haven.
El lago Liepnitz (en alemán: Liepnitzsee) es un lago situado al noreste de la ciudad de Berlín, en el distrito rural de Barnim, en el estado de Brandeburgo (Alemania), a una elevación de 49.7 metros; tiene un área de 117 hectáreas.[1]
found a single match candidate
body of water (Q15324) | natural=water |
lake (Q23397) | water=lake |
Lakes of Brandenburg | water=pond, water=lake, natural=lake |