Oranžérie (Q16683219)

  • matcher place: Hradčany (relation 429456), Capital City of Prague (relation 435514)
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  • Wikipedia: Czech, English, Hungarian, Russian
  • Wikimedia Commons
  • English Wikipedia categories: Buildings and structures completed in 2001, Greenhouses in the Czech Republic, High-tech architecture, Orangeries, Prague Castle
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Summary from Čeština / Czech Wikipedia (cswiki)

Oranžérie, přesněji Nová oranžérie v Královské zahradě na Hradčanech je název moderního skleníku postaveného v letech 1999-2001 nad pozůstatky původní, renesanční oranžérie. Stojí v sousedství Míčovny při hraně Jeleního příkopu. Architektkou unikátní stavby ve stylu high-tech je česko-britská architektka Eva Jiřičná. Do stavby je začleněn zbytek původní renesanční zdi (na jihu jen v dlažbě), Plečnikova kašna a Rothmayerova fontánka.

Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Orangery (Czech: Oranžérie), more specifically the New Orangery, is a modern greenhouse in the Royal Garden of Prague Castle, Czechia. It was built between 1999 and 2001 on the site of the former renaissance orangery. It is located next to the Ball Game Hall, on the edge of the Deer Moat. It was designed by Czech architect Eva Jiřičná in high-tech architecture style for Olga Havlová, wife of former Czech president Václav Havel. It is used for growing tropical flowers and plants which are used in Prague Castle. The construction is 100 meters long.

Wikidata location: 50.0927, 14.4022 view on OSM or edit on OSM


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found a single match candidate

relation: Oranžérie (OSM)exact location match [show tags]
name: Oranžérie
source: cuzk:ruian
name:cs: Oranžérie
name:en: Orangery (greenhouse)
name:ru: Оранжерея (Пражский Град)
building: greenhouse
wikidata: Q16683219
wikipedia: cs:Oranžérie (Královská zahrada)
roof:shape: round
roof:material: glass
building:levels: 1
building:material: glass
ref:ruian:building: 41305329
building:ruian:type: 19

wikidata match: Q16683219

Search criteria from Wikidata

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agricultural structure (Q10480682) building=farm_auxiliary
greenhouse (Q165044) building=greenhouse
product (Q2424752) product
building (Q41176) building, building=yes
shelter (Q989946) amenity=shelter