Didymateiche (Ancient Greek: Δίδυμα τείχη), or Didymon Teichos (Ancient Greek: Δίδυμον Τεῖχος, 'twin walled'), was a town of ancient Mysia. It belonged to the Delian League since it appears in tribute records of Athens between the years 454/3 and 418/7 BCE. Polybius writes that it was among the places that were conquered by Attalus I, after the city of Carseae.
Didimótico (en griego; Δίδυμον Τεῖχος, cuyo significado es «Muros gemelos» o «Muro doble»[1]) era una antigua colonia griega de la Propóntide.
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political territorial entity (Q1048835) | political_division |
locality (Q3257686) | place=locality |
city (Q515) | place=city |
administrative territorial entity (Q56061) | boundary=administrative |
archaeological site (Q839954) | historic=archaeological_site |
Former populated places in Turkey | admin_level, landuse=residential, boundary=administrative, place |
Populated places in ancient Mysia | admin_level, landuse=residential, boundary=administrative, place |