Paesus (Q18286282)

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  • Wikipedia: Azerbaijani, Catalan, English, Greek, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian
  • English Wikipedia categories: Ancient Greek Asia Minor geography stubs, Ancient Greek archaeological sites in Turkey, Former populated places in Turkey, Greek city-states, Locations in the Iliad, Members of the Delian League, Milesian colonies, Populated places in ancient Troad
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Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Paesus or Paisos (Hittite: Apaššawa, Ancient Greek: Παισός), in the Trojan Battle Order in Homer's Iliad called Apaesus or Apaisos (Ἀπαισός), was a town and polis (city-state) on the coast of the ancient Troad, at the entrance of the Propontis, between Lampsacus and Parium. The city of Apaššawa from the Hittite documents is identified as Paesus. In the Iliad, Amphius, son of Selagus, was said to be from Paesus. At one period, it received colonists from Miletus. It suffered Persian occupation during the Ionian Revolt. In Strabo's time, the town was destroyed, and its inhabitants had transferred themselves to Lampsacus, which was likewise a Milesian colony. The town derived its name from the small river Paesus, on which it was situated. It was a member of the Delian League and appears in tribute lists of Athens between 453/2 and 430/29 BCE.

Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

Peso (en griego, Παισός) era una antigua colonia griega del Helesponto que fue mencionada por Homero en el catálogo de los troyanos de la Ilíada con el nombre de Apeso y más tarde en el libro V, donde sí aparece con el topónimo de Peso.[1]

Summary from Català / Catalan Wikipedia (cawiki)

Apesos (en grec antic Άπαισός) era una ciutat a la costa de la Tròade a l'entrada de la Propòntida, entre Làmpsac i Pàrion. Homer la cita al "Catàleg dels troians" a la Ilíada, i diu que era una de les ciutats que van ajudar el rei Príam durant la guerra de Troia, formant part d'un contingent dirigit per Adrast i el seu germà Àmfios.

Wikidata location: 40.3952, 26.7908 view on OSM or edit on OSM


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Former populated places in Turkey boundary=administrative, landuse=residential, place, admin_level
Populated places in ancient Troad boundary=administrative, landuse=residential, place, admin_level