[timeout:300][out:json]; ( node(around:1000,47.13390,9.06130)[place][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; way(around:1000,47.13390,9.06130)[place][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; rel(around:1000,47.13390,9.06130)[place][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; node(around:1000,47.13390,9.06130)["political_division"][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; way(around:1000,47.13390,9.06130)["political_division"][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; rel(around:1000,47.13390,9.06130)["political_division"][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; node(around:1000,47.13390,9.06130)[boundary=administrative][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; way(around:1000,47.13390,9.06130)[boundary=administrative][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; rel(around:1000,47.13390,9.06130)[boundary=administrative][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; ); out center tags;
Ziegelbrücke is a village situated on both sides of the Linth Channel in Switzerland. Ziegelbrücke is shared by the municipalities of Niederurnen in the canton of Glarus and Schänis in the canton of St. Gallen, with the Linth forming the boundary between these municipalities.
Ziegelbrücke ist eine Ortschaft in den Kantonen Glarus und St. Gallen in der Schweiz. Ziegelbrücke ist bekannt durch den gleichnamigen Bahnhof.
Ziegelbrücke (toponimo tedesco) è una frazione di 510 abitanti del comune svizzero di Glarona Nord, nel Canton Glarona.
Ziegelbrücke är en ort i kommunerna Glarus Nord och Schänis i kantonerna Glarus och Sankt Gallen i Schweiz. Den ligger vid floden Linth, cirka 10 kilometer norr om Glarus. Orten har 459 invånare (2021).
found a single match candidate
political territorial entity (Q1048835) | political_division |
locality (Q3257686) | place=locality |
village (Q532) | place=village |
administrative territorial entity (Q56061) | boundary=administrative |
Villages in the canton of Glarus | landuse=residential, place |
Villages in the canton of St. Gallen | landuse=residential, place |