[timeout:300][out:json]; ( node(around:1000,-27.11500,-109.39500)[tourism][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; way(around:1000,-27.11500,-109.39500)[tourism][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; rel(around:1000,-27.11500,-109.39500)[tourism][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; node(around:1000,-27.11500,-109.39500)["historic"="archaeological_site"][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; way(around:1000,-27.11500,-109.39500)["historic"="archaeological_site"][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; rel(around:1000,-27.11500,-109.39500)["historic"="archaeological_site"][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; node(around:1000,-27.11500,-109.39500)[historic=memorial][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; way(around:1000,-27.11500,-109.39500)[historic=memorial][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; rel(around:1000,-27.11500,-109.39500)[historic=memorial][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; node(around:1000,-27.11500,-109.39500)[historic=monument][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; way(around:1000,-27.11500,-109.39500)[historic=monument][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; rel(around:1000,-27.11500,-109.39500)[historic=monument][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; node(around:1000,-27.11500,-109.39500)["memorial:type"="statue"][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; way(around:1000,-27.11500,-109.39500)["memorial:type"="statue"][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; rel(around:1000,-27.11500,-109.39500)["memorial:type"="statue"][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; node(around:1000,-27.11500,-109.39500)[memorial=statue][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; way(around:1000,-27.11500,-109.39500)[memorial=statue][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; rel(around:1000,-27.11500,-109.39500)[memorial=statue][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; ); out center tags;
Ahu Akivi is a particular sacred place on the Chilean island of Rapa Nui (or Easter Island), looking out towards the Pacific Ocean. The site has seven moai, all of equal shape and size, and is also known as a celestial observatory that was set up around the 16th century. The site is located inland, rather than along the coast. Moai statues were considered by the early people of Rapa Nui as their ancestors or Tupuna that were believed to be the reincarnation of important kings or leaders of their clans. The Moais were erected to protect and bring prosperity to their clan and village.
Ahu Akivi es un lugar sagrado particular en Rapa Nui (o Isla de Pascua) en la Región de Valparaíso de Chile, hacia el Océano Pacífico. El sitio tiene siete moái, todos de igual forma y tamaño, y también es conocido como un observatorio celestial que se estableció alrededor del siglo XVI. El sitio está ubicado en el interior, en lugar de a lo largo de la costa. Las estatuas moái fueron consideradas por los primeros habitantes de Rapa Nui como sus antepasados o Tupuna, que se creía que eran la reencarnación de reyes importantes o líderes de sus clanes. Los moáis fueron erigidos para proteger y traer prosperidad a su clan y aldea.[1]
Ahu Akivi est un lieu sacré particulier à Rapa Nui, l'île de Pâques, appartenant au Chili et rattachée à la région de Valparaíso. Le site, face à l'océan, compte sept moaï, les grandes statues caractéristiques de l'île. Les sept moaï sont alignés, tous de forme et de taille similaires.
Ahu Akivi è un particolare luogo sacro, situato nell'entroterra di Rapa Nui (o Isola di Pasqua) nella regione di Valparaíso del Cile, affacciato sull'Oceano Pacifico. Nel sito sono presenti sette moai, tutti di uguale forma e dimensione. Intorno al XVI secolo, qui venne istituito un osservatorio astronomico. I primi popoli di Rapa Nui consideravano le statue come i loro antenati o come Tupuna, la reincarnazione di importanti re o capi dei loro clan. I Moai furono eretti perché si pensava che potessero proteggere e portare prosperità al clan e al villaggio.
アフ・アキビ(スペイン語: Ahu Akivi)は、イースター島で最も重要なアフの一つ。
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archaeological site (Q839954) | historic=archaeological_site |