Dundalk (Q204956)

Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Dundalk ( dun-DAW(L)K; Irish: Dún Dealgan) is the county town of County Louth, Ireland. The town is on the Castletown River, which flows into Dundalk Bay on the east coast of Ireland. It is halfway between Dublin and Belfast, close to the border with Northern Ireland. It is surrounded by several townlands and villages that form the wider Dundalk Municipal District. It is the seventh largest urban area in Ireland, with a population of 43,112 as of the 2022 census.

Summary from An Ghaeilge / Irish Wikipedia (gawiki)

Is baile é Dún Dealgan  Fuaimniú, (Béarla:Dundalk) atá suite i gContae Lú. Tá an baile suite ar abhainn Bhaile an Chaisleáin a shníonn isteach go dtí Bá Dhún Dealgan. Tá an baile gar don teorainn le Tuaisceart Éireann agus leathbhealach idir Baile Átha Cliath agus Béal Feirste.

Summary from Türkçe / Turkish Wikipedia (trwiki)

Dundalk, İrlanda'nın Louth Kontluğunun başkenti olan şehirdir. Şehrin nüfusu 2016 yılı itibarıyla 39.004'tür.

Wikidata location: 54.0044, -6.4003 view on OSM or edit on OSM


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found 3 match candidates

relation: Dundalk (OSM)exact location match [show tags]
place: town
source: Settlements Ungeneralised - OSi National Statistical Boundaries - 2015
boundary: census
ref:name: Dundalk
ref:IE:census2015: 10008
way: Dundalk (OSM)exact location match [show tags]
type: boundary
place: town
source: Settlements Ungeneralised - OSi National Statistical Boundaries - 2015
boundary: census
ref:name: Dundalk
ref:IE:census2015: 10008
node: Dundalk (OSM), 74 m from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Dundalk
note: Experimental import of Irish places and POIs from GNS Dataset
is_in: County Louth
place: town
source: gns_ei
name:br: Dún Dealgan
name:en: Dundalk
name:ga: Dún Dealgan
name:gd: Dùn Dealgan
name:gv: Doon Jialgan
name:ru: Дандолк
name:zh: 邓多克 / 鄧多克
wikidata: Q204956
wikipedia: en:Dundalk
population: 43112
designation: Dundalk / Dun Dealgan
is_in:county: Louth
name:zh-Hans: 邓多克
name:zh-Hant: 鄧多克
place_county: Louth
is_in:country: Ireland
source:name:br: proper translation
population:date: 2022-04-03
source:population: CSO 2022

wikidata match: Q204956

Search criteria from Wikidata

view with query.wikidata.org

political territorial entity (Q1048835) political_division
product (Q2424752) product
locality (Q3257686) place=locality
town (Q3957) place=town
administrative territorial entity (Q56061) boundary=administrative

Search criteria from categories

County towns in the Republic of Ireland place=village, place=suburb, place=town
Former urban districts in the Republic of Ireland boundary=administrative, landuse=residential, place, admin_level
Populated coastal places in the Republic of Ireland boundary=administrative, landuse=residential, place, admin_level
Populated places established in the 12th century boundary=administrative, landuse=residential, place, admin_level
Port cities and towns in the Republic of Ireland place=village, place, place=city, landuse=residential, place=suburb, place=town
Railway towns in Ireland place=village, place=suburb, place=town