Scepsis (Q2292038)

Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Scepsis or Skepsis (Ancient Greek: Σκῆψις or Σκέψις) was an ancient settlement in the Troad, Asia Minor that is at the present site of the village of Kurşunlutepe, near the town of Bayramiç in Turkey. The settlement is notable for being the location where the famous library of Aristotle was kept before being moved to Pergamum and Alexandria. It was also home to Metrodorus of Scepsis and Demetrius of Scepsis.

Summary from Deutsch / German Wikipedia (dewiki)

Skepsis (altgriechisch Σκήψις) war eine antike griechische Polis der Aioler, gelegen im oberen Tal des Skamandros in der kleinasiatischen Landschaft Troas, in der heutigen türkischen Provinz Çanakkale in der Nähe der Stadt Bayramiç. Nahe den Ruinen der Stadt befindet sich heute der Ort Kurşunlu.

Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

Escepsis (griego antiguo Σκέψις, Scepsis) fue un antiguo asentamiento en Misia, Asia Menor que está en el presente en el lugar que ocupa la localidad de Kurşunlu Tepe, cerca de la ciudad de Bayramiç en Turquía. Es notable por haber sido el sitio donde fue guardada la famosa biblioteca de Aristóteles, que fue trasladada posteriormente a Pérgamo y a Alejandría.[2]

Summary from Français / French Wikipedia (frwiki)

Scepsis (en grec Σκέψις) est une ville antique de Mysie, située sur le site du village actuel de Kurşuntepe, près de Bayramiç, en Turquie.

Summary from Català / Catalan Wikipedia (cawiki)

Escepsis (en grec antic: Σκῆψις, llatí: Scepsis) era una ciutat del sud-est de Mísia a la vora del riu Esep, i a 150 estadis al sud-est d'Alexandria de la Tròada. Les seves ruïnes es troben sota la presa de Bayramiç, a la província de Çanakkale.

Wikidata location: 39.8028, 26.6861 view on OSM or edit on OSM


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political territorial entity (Q1048835) political_division
product (Q2424752) product
locality (Q3257686) place=locality
city (Q515) place=city
administrative territorial entity (Q56061) boundary=administrative
archaeological site (Q839954) historic=archaeological_site

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Ancient Greek archaeological sites in Turkey historic=archaeological_site
Archaeological sites in the Marmara Region historic=archaeological_site
Cities in ancient Troad place=city
Former populated places in Turkey boundary=administrative, landuse=residential, place, admin_level
Populated places in ancient Mysia boundary=administrative, landuse=residential, place, admin_level
Populated places in ancient Troad boundary=administrative, landuse=residential, place, admin_level
Tourist attractions in Çanakkale Province tourism=attraction, tourism=museum