The Renaissance Society of America (Q2413807)

  • matcher place: The Bronx (relation 9691916)
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  • Wikipedia: English, German
  • English Wikipedia categories: 1954 establishments in the United States, Historical societies in New York City, Historical societies of the United States
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Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Renaissance Society of America (RSA) is a nonprofit academic membership association founded in 1954 to promote study of the world during the Renaissance period, 1300–1700. It is a member of the American Council of Learned Societies. The RSA brings together scholars from many backgrounds in a wide variety of fields of scholarly inquiry. The RSA has thousands of members, including professors, instructors, and graduate students at universities, colleges, and secondary schools; curators and staff at museums, libraries, and other cultural institutions; independent scholars; writers and publishers; and many others interested in Renaissance studies. The Society's Annual Conference takes place in changing cities within North America and Europe.

Wikidata location: 40.8611, -73.8893 view on OSM or edit on OSM


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voluntary association (Q48204) office=association
non-governmental organization (Q79913) operator:type=ngo