Babul Islam Mosque is a mosque located at the intersection of Route 4 & Route 50 in Oyama, Tochigi, Japan. Its main hall has a capacity of 600 people. Main activities include five times Salat, Salat ul Jumma, Salat ut Taraweeh, Salat ul Eid and weekly gathering for dars of Quran on Saturday. Other activities include Shahdah & Nikah arrangements, Gussul e Mayah (bathing of dead bodies), Janazah and other community works.
no matches found
structure of worship (Q1370598) | amenity=place_of_worship |
mosque (Q32815) | religion=muslim, building=mosque |
building (Q41176) | building=yes, building |
Mosques in Japan | building=mosque, amenity=place_of_worship |