Brenton-on-Sea (Q2546981)

Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Brenton-on-Sea is a settlement and seaside resort town 15km west of Knysna in Garden Route District Municipality in the Western Cape province of South Africa.

Summary from Nederlands / Dutch Wikipedia (nlwiki)

Brenton-on-Sea is een dorp met 294 inwoners, in de Zuid-Afrikaanse provincie West-Kaap. Brenton-on-Sea behoort tot de gemeente Knysna dat onderdeel van het district Tuinroute is.

Summary from Afrikaans / Afrikaans Wikipedia (afwiki)

Brenton-on-Sea is 'n klein vakansiedorpie aan die Indiese Oseaan in die Wes-Kaap, Suid-Afrika. Die dorpie is naby Knysna en ongeveer 4 km strandlangs vanaf Buffelsbaai. Die plekkie het bekend geword toe 'n swerm Brenton Blou-vlinder (Orachrysops niobe) (Engels: Brenton Blue butterfly) daar herontdek is. Die spesie is as uitgesterf beskou. Daar is ook 'n strand by Brenton-on-Sea sowel as verskeie visvangplekke. Die oord is vernoem na sir Jahleel Brenton, die admiraal wat gehelp het om die hawe by Knysna te ontwikkel.

Wikidata location: -34.0667, 23.0167 view on OSM or edit on OSM


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found 2 match candidates

node: Brenton (OSM), 1.27 km from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Brenton
is_in: Western Cape, South Africa
place: suburb
source: sagns
sagns_id: 92368
node: Brenton on Sea (OSM), 1.17 km from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Brenton on Sea
is_in: Western Cape, South Africa
place: village
source: sagns
sagns_id: 92370
wikidata: Q2546981
wikipedia: en:Brenton-on-Sea
wikimedia_commons: Category:Brenton-on-Sea

wikidata match: Q2546981

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locality (Q3257686) place=locality
town (Q3957) place=town

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Populated places in the Knysna Local Municipality boundary=administrative, landuse=residential, place, admin_level