Cartoon Saloon is an Irish animation film, short film and television studio based in Kilkenny which provides film TV and short film services. The studio is best known for its animated feature films The Secret of Kells, Song of the Sea, The Breadwinner and Wolfwalkers. Their works have received five Academy Award nominations, their first four feature length works all received nominations for Best Animated Feature and one for Best Animated Short Film (Late Afternoon). The company also developed the cartoon series Skunk Fu!, Puffin Rock, Dorg Van Dango and Viking Skool. As of 2020, the studio employs 300 animators.
Is comhlacht cartúin é Cartoon Saloon. Tá sé lonnaithe i gCill Chainnigh.
Cartoon Saloon is een Ierse studio gevestigd in Kilkenny die animatiefilms, kortfilms en televisiewerk levert. De studio is vooral bekend om zijn animatiefilms The Secret of Kells, Song of the Sea, The Breadwinner en Wolfwalkers. De studio kreeg vier Academy Award-nominaties , hun eerste drie lange speelfilms ontvingen allemaal een nominatie voor beste animatiefilm en een voor beste korte animatiefilm (Late Afternoon). De studio heeft vanaf 2020 driehonderd animatoren in dienst.
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media studio facility (Q19364326) | amenity=studio |
cultural institution (Q3152824) | government=culture |
Irish animation studios | amenity=studio |