Lake Tōgō (東郷池, Tōgō-ike) is a brackish lake located in the town of Yurihama, Tottori Prefecture in the San'in Region of Japan. It has a circumference of 12 kilometers and is separated from the Sea of Japan by a narrow coastal strip.
Le lac Tōgō (東郷池, Tōgō-ike) au Japon est séparé de la mer du Japon par une étroite bande côtière. Il se trouve entre Kurayoshi et Tottori, dans la préfecture de Tottori.
found a single match candidate
body of water (Q15324) | natural=water |
lake (Q23397) | water=lake |
Lakes of Tottori Prefecture | water=lake, water=pond, natural=lake |