Αγγλική Σχολή Λευκωσίας (Q317544)

  • matcher place: Strovolos (relation 2628527), Cyprus (relation 3263726), Cyprus (relation 3263732), Nicosia District (relation 3264382)
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  • Wikipedia: Bengali, English, French, Greek, Turkish
  • English Wikipedia categories: 1900 establishments in Cyprus, British international schools in Asia, British international schools in Europe, Education in Nicosia, Educational institutions established in 1900, International schools in Cyprus
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Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The English School is an independent selective secondary school in Nicosia, Cyprus. It has a rigorous selection process for admittance. It is one of the secondary schools in Nicosia designated to be bi-communal, with both Greek and Turkish Cypriots being educated at the school. The school, founded in 1900, is a member of the HMC (Headmasters' and Mistresses' Conference).

Summary from Ελληνικά / Modern Greek Wikipedia (elwiki)

Η Αγγλική Σχολή Λευκωσίας (αγγλικά: The English School, Nicosia – τουρκικά: İngiliz Okulu, Lefkoşa) είναι ιδιωτικό σχολείο δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης, το οποίο βρίσκεται στη Λευκωσία της Κύπρου. Είναι ένα από τα σχολεία που ορίζονται ως δικοινοτικά, με τους Ελληνοκύπριους και τους Τουρκοκύπριους να εκπαιδεύονται στο σχολείο.

Summary from Français / French Wikipedia (frwiki)

L'école anglaise de Nicosie est une école secondaire sélective indépendante située à Nicosie, sur l'île de Chypre. Le processus d’admission y est rigoureux. Il s'agit de l'une des écoles de Nicosie comme étant désignés comme bicommunautaires En effet, les Chypriotes grecs et turcs y sont scolarisés ensemble. L'école, fondée en 1900, est membre de la HMC (Headmasters' and Mistresses' Conference).

Summary from Türkçe / Turkish Wikipedia (trwiki)

Lefkoşa İngiliz Okulu, Kıbrıs'ta, Lefkoşa'nın güney kesimindeki Strovolos bölgesinde bulunan bir okuldur. Koruluk bir alan içinde bulunmaktadır. Okul müdürü Deborah Duncan'dır. 1043 öğrencisi bulunmaktadır. Canon Frank Darvall tarafından 1900 yılında kurulmuştur.

Wikidata location: 35.1512, 33.3503 view on OSM or edit on OSM


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found a single match candidate

way: English School (OSM)exact location match [show tags]
fee: yes
name: English School
amenity: school
website: https://www.englishschool.ac.cy
wikidata: Q317544
addr:city: Strovolos
addr:street: Προεδρικού Μεγάρου και Κυριακού Μάτση
language:en: main
addr:postcode: 1082
operator:type: private
addr:housenumber: 0

wikidata match: Q317544

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school (Q3914) amenity=school

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British international schools in Asia amenity=college, amenity=school, site=school, type=site, building=school, building=college
British international schools in Europe amenity=college, amenity=school, site=school, type=site, building=school, building=college
International schools in Cyprus amenity=college, amenity=school, site=school, type=site, building=school, building=college