Messancy (Q3306981)
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Arlon (relation 1412580)
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Summary from Français / French
Wikipedia (frwiki)
La Messancy (Miezegerbaach en luxembourgeois) est un ruisseau de Belgique, affluent en rive droite de la Chiers faisant partie du bassin versant de la Meuse. Il est situé dans la province de Luxembourg, plus particulièrement dans le Pays d'Arlon, d'où les consonances luxembourgeoises des noms de ses affluents.
Summary from Lëtzebuergesch / Luxembourgish
Wikipedia (lbwiki)
D'Miezegerbaach oder och einfach d'Miezeg ass eng Baach an der belscher Provënz Lëtzebuerg an de Gemenge Miezeg an Éibeng. Et ass en Niewefloss vun der Kuer.
Summary from Svenska / Swedish
Wikipedia (svwiki)
Messancy är ett vattendrag i Belgien. Det ligger i provinsen Luxemburg och regionen Vallonien, i den sydöstra delen av landet, 180 km sydost om huvudstaden Bryssel.
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found 5 match candidates
La Messancy
1.95 km from Wikidata
[show tags]
boat: no
name: La Messancy
note: La Messancy is not officially a river but its flow is bigger than La Chier (considered as river) when they meet in Athus, also it is considered as a river by many local people, hence why the tag here rather as river
layer: -1
tunnel: yes
waterway: river
wikidata: Q3306981
wikipedia: fr:Messancy (ruisseau)
match: Q3306981
La Messancy
1.26 km from Wikidata
[show tags]
boat: no
name: La Messancy
note: La Messancy is not officially a river but its flow is bigger than La Chier (considered as river) when they meet in Athus, also it is considered as a river by many local people, hence why the tag here rather as river
waterway: river
La Messancy
2.10 km from Wikidata
[show tags]
boat: no
name: La Messancy
note: La Messancy is not officially a river but its flow is bigger than La Chier (considered as river) when they meet in Athus, also it is considered as a river by many local people, hence why the tag here rather as river
waterway: river
wikidata: Q3306981
wikipedia: fr:Messancy (ruisseau)
match: Q3306981
La Messancy
129 m from Wikidata
[show tags]
boat: no
name: La Messancy
note: La Messancy is not officially a river but its flow is bigger than La Chier (considered as river) when they meet in Athus, also it is considered as a river by many local people, hence why the tag here rather as river
waterway: river
wikidata: Q3306981
wikipedia: fr:Messancy (ruisseau)
match: Q3306981
La Messancy
0 m from Wikidata
[show tags]
boat: no
name: La Messancy
note: La Messancy is not officially a river but its flow is bigger than La Chier (considered as river) when they meet in Athus, also it is considered as a river by many local people, hence why the tag here rather as river
waterway: canal
wikidata: Q3306981
wikipedia: fr:Messancy (ruisseau)
match: Q3306981
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