Percote (Q3558595)

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  • English Wikipedia categories: Ancient Greek archaeological sites in Turkey, Former populated places in Turkey, Locations in the Iliad, Members of the Delian League, Populated places in ancient Mysia, Populated places in ancient Troad
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Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Percote or Perkote (Ancient Greek: Περκώτη) was a town or city of ancient Mysia on the southern (Asian) side of the Hellespont, to the northeast of Troy. Percote is mentioned a few times in Greek mythology, where it plays a very minor role each time. It was said to be the home of a notable seer named Merops, also its ruler. Merops was the father of Arisbe (the first wife of King Priam, and subsequently wife of King Hyrtacus), Cleite (wife of King Cyzicus), and two sons named Amphius and Adrastus who fought during the Trojan War. As an ally of Troy, Percote sent a contingent to help King Priam during the Trojan War - though this contingent was led not by Merops's sons, but by Asius, son of Hyrtacus, according to Homer's Iliad, one native from Percote was wounded in the Trojan War by Antilochus, two natives from Percote were killed in the Trojan War by Diomedes and Ulysses. The Meropidae (Amphius and Adrastus) instead lead a contingent from nearby Adrastea. A nephew of Priam, named Melanippus, son of Hicetaon, herded cattle (oxen) at Percote, according to Homer.

Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

Percote (en griego, Περκώτη) era una antigua colonia griega del Helesponto que fue mencionada por Homero en el catálogo de los troyanos de la Ilíada.[1]

Summary from Italiano / Italian Wikipedia (itwiki)

Percote era un'antica località dell'Asia Minore, posta sul lato asiatico dell'Ellesponto, a nord-est di Troia.
I suoi abitanti erano detti Percosi.

Summary from Français / French Wikipedia (frwiki)

Percote (en grec ancien Περκώτη) est une cité de la Grèce antique sur la rive asiatique de l'Hellespont.

Summary from Català / Catalan Wikipedia (cawiki)

Percote (en grec antic Περκώτη) era una ciutat de Mísia a l'Hel·lespont, al nord-est de Troia, no llunyana d'Abidos, ni de Làmpsac, probablement a la desembocadura del riu Percotes. Homer en parla al "Catàleg dels troians" a la Ilíada, i diu que era una de les ciutats que va ajudar el rei Príam a la guerra de Troia, amb un contingent que dirigia Asi. Homer afegeix que Asi havia rebut de la ciutat d'Arisba uns magnífics cavalls, fogosos i corpulents, per anar a la guerra.

Wikidata location: 40.2739, 26.5888 view on OSM or edit on OSM


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Populated places in ancient Mysia boundary=administrative, landuse=residential, place, admin_level
Populated places in ancient Troad boundary=administrative, landuse=residential, place, admin_level