Historisches Museum Basel (Q386286)

  • matcher place: Basel (relation 1683619)
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  • Wikipedia: Catalan, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish
  • English Wikipedia categories: Carriage museums in Switzerland, Cultural property of national significance in Basel-Stadt, History museums in Switzerland, History of Basel, Museums established in 1894, Museums in Basel, Museums in Basel-Landschaft, Münchenstein
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Summary from Deutsch / German Wikipedia (dewiki)

Das Historische Museum Basel (HMB) zählt zu den grössten und bedeutendsten Museen seiner Art in der Schweiz und ist eines der fünf staatlichen Museen in Basel. Der Hauptteil der Sammlung wird in der Barfüsserkirche im Zentrum der Stadt Basel ausgestellt.

Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Basel Historical Museum (German: Historisches Museum Basel) is one of the largest and most important museums of its kind in Switzerland and a heritage site of national significance. It opened in 1892. The museum is divided into three buildings within the city of Basel: the Barfüsserkirche, Haus zum Kirschgarten and Musikmuseum.

Summary from Français / French Wikipedia (frwiki)

Le Musée historique de Bâle (en allemand Historisches Museum Basel), qui a ouvert ses portes en 1894 dans l’ancienne Barfüsserkirche de Bâle, abrite la plus importante collection d’histoire de la civilisation dans la région du Rhin supérieur.

Summary from Italiano / Italian Wikipedia (itwiki)

Il Museo storico di Basilea (in tedesco: Historisches Museum Basel), inaugurato nel 1894 nella Barfüsserkirche, ospita la più importante collezione di storia della cultura dell'Alto Reno. In esposizione si trovano manufatti artigianali e appartenenti all'uso quotidiano. Il fulcro della collezione è rappresentato dal tardo Medioevo, dal Rinascimento e dal Barocco. Degni di nota sono soprattutto il tesoro della cattedrale della città, gli arazzi di Basilea e di Strasburgo, i frammenti della Danza macabra di Basilea, gli altari e le immagini sacre, l'eredità di Erasmo da Rotterdam, il gabinetto numismatico e le pitture su vetro.

Wikidata location: 47.5544, 7.5906 view on OSM or edit on OSM


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found a single match candidate

way: Historisches Museum Basel;Bibliothek, Direktion & Verwaltung (OSM), 60 m from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Historisches Museum Basel;Bibliothek, Direktion & Verwaltung
email: historisches.museum@bs.ch
phone: +41 61 205 86 00
access: customers
amenity: library
website: https://www.hmb.ch/bibliothek
building: yes
operator: Historisches Museum Basel
wikidata: Q386286
addr:city: Basel
wheelchair: limited
addr:street: Steinenberg
addr:postcode: 4051
opening_hours: Mo-Fr 08:00-12:00,14:00-17:00
internet_access: wlan
addr:housenumber: 4
internet_access:fee: no
internet_access:ssid: HMB

wikidata match: Q386286

Search criteria from Wikidata

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history museum (Q16735822) museum=history
technology museum (Q2398990) museum=technology
cultural institution (Q3152824) government=culture
museum (Q33506) tourism=museum, museum
science museum (Q588140) museum=science

Search criteria from categories

Carriage museums in Switzerland tourism=museum, tourism=attraction, building=museum, historic=museum, tourism=gallery
History museums in Switzerland tourism=museum, tourism=attraction, building=museum, historic=museum, tourism=gallery
Museums established in 1894 tourism=museum, tourism=attraction, building=museum, historic=museum, tourism=gallery
Museums in Basel tourism=museum, tourism=attraction, building=museum, historic=museum, tourism=gallery
Museums in Basel-Landschaft tourism=museum, tourism=attraction, building=museum, historic=museum, tourism=gallery