Ayats is the trading name of Carrocerías Ayats SA, a Spain-based coachbuilder. The company constructs a range of coach bodies on a variety of chassis, and also manufacture their own integral products. Their products are used throughout Europe. The company was established in 1905 by Mr. Juan Ayats in Arbúcies, a village in the Selva county of the province of Girona, Catalonia, Spain. This small town offered the advantage of being in the midst of a densely forested area ("Selva" means "forest" or "jungle" in Catalan), useful since the bodyworks were made of wood at the time. Ayats is one of several coachbuilders based in Arbúcies; others include Indcar (the oldest of them), Beulas, Noge and Boari.
Ayats és la marca comercial de l'empresa familiar carrossera catalana Carrocerías Ayats SA. Fundada per Joan Ayats el 1905, l'empresa té la seu principal a Arbúcies, La Selva. Tenen una segona planta a Tona.
Ayats est le nom commercial de la société Carrocerías Ayats SA, un carrossier industriel installé dans la province de Gérone, en Catalogne (Espagne). L'entreprise construit une large gamme de carrosseries pour autocars de luxe et GT sur des châssis de constructeurs réputés ou ses propres châssis. Les modèles carrossés par Ayats sont distribués dans tous les pays d'Europe.
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