championnats du monde de VTT et de trial 2004 (Q452842)

Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The 2004 UCI Mountain Bike & Trials World Championships were held in Les Gets, a ski station in the French Alps, from 8 to 12 September 2004. The disciplines included were cross-country, downhill, four-cross, and trials. The event was the 15th edition of the UCI Mountain Bike World Championships and the 19th edition of the UCI Trials World Championships.

Summary from Deutsch / German Wikipedia (dewiki)

Die 17. Mountainbike-Weltmeisterschaften fanden vom 8. bis 12. September 2004 in der französischen Ortschaft Les Gets statt. Es wurden insgesamt 17 Entscheidungen in den Disziplinen Cross Country, Downhill, Four Cross und Trial ausgefahren.

Summary from Italiano / Italian Wikipedia (itwiki)

I Campionati del mondo di mountain bike 2004 (en.: 2004 UCI Mountain Bike & Trials World Championships), quindicesima edizione della competizione, furono disputati a Les Gets, in Francia, tra l'8 e il 12 settembre.

Summary from Français / French Wikipedia (frwiki)

Les championnats du monde de VTT et de trial 2004 se sont déroulés aux Gets en France du 8 au 12 septembre 2004.

Summary from Nederlands / Dutch Wikipedia (nlwiki)

De wereldkampioenschappen mountainbike 2004 werden gehouden van 8 september tot en met 12 september in Les Gets, een gemeente in het Franse departement Haute-Savoie. Het was de zeventiende editie van de mondiale titelstrijd. Er stonden zeventien titels op het spel, verspreid over vier disciplines: cross-country (XC), downhill (DH), four cross (4X) en trials (TRI).

Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

El XV Campeonato Mundial de Ciclismo de Montaña se celebró en la localidad de Les Gets (Francia) entre el 7 y el 12 de septiembre de 2004, bajo la organización de la Unión Ciclista Internacional (UCI) y la Federación Ciclista de Francia.

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