Bahnhof Luzern (Q455450)

  • matcher place: Lucerne (relation 1682891), Lucerne (relation 1685677)
  • view on Wikidata
  • Wikipedia: Chinese, Dutch, English, Esperanto, French, German, Italian, Korean, Polish, Spanish
  • Wikimedia Commons
  • English Wikipedia categories: Buildings and structures in Lucerne, Railway stations in Switzerland opened in 1856, Railway stations in the canton of Lucerne, Swiss Federal Railways stations, Transport in Lucerne, Zentralbahn stations
  • Overpass query: show queryOverpass Turbo
    out center tags;
Summary from Deutsch / German Wikipedia (dewiki)

Der Bahnhof Luzern ist der Hauptbahnhof der Stadt Luzern. Der 1859 eröffnete Bahnhof ist mit rund 167'000 Fahrgästen pro Tag der viertmeist frequentierte Bahnhof der Schweiz. Als bedeutender Verkehrsknoten in der Zentralschweiz verbindet er das Normalspurnetz der Schweizerischen Bundesbahnen mit den meterspurigen Strecken der Zentralbahn sowie den Kursschiffen der Schifffahrtsgesellschaft des Vierwaldstättersees. Neben nationalem Fernverkehr und internationalen Verbindungen nach Mailand ist der Bahnhof Knotenpunkt der S-Bahn Luzern sowie des städtischen und regionalen Busverkehrs.

Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Lucerne railway station (German: Bahnhof Luzern) is a major hub of the rail network of Switzerland, in the city of Lucerne in the canton of Lucerne. It is a terminal station serving domestic and international traffic on several rail lines, and is situated in a city centre and waterfront location on the south side of Lake Lucerne.

Summary from Français / French Wikipedia (frwiki)

La gare de Lucerne est la principale gare ferroviaire de la commune suisse de Lucerne dans le canton homonyme.

Summary from Italiano / Italian Wikipedia (itwiki)

La stazione di Lucerna (in tedesco Luzern) è la principale stazione ferroviaria a servizio dell'omonima città svizzera. Si tratta di uno dei principali snodi del sistema ferroviario elvetico essendo capolinea delle linee ferroviarie a scartamento ordinario per Berna, per Immensee, per Olten e per Zugo. È inoltre capolinea della ferrovia a scartamento ridotto del Brünig, gestita dalla Zentralbahn (ZB).

Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

La estación de Lucerna es la principal estación ferroviaria de la comuna suiza de Lucerna, en el Cantón de Lucerna.

Summary from Nederlands / Dutch Wikipedia (nlwiki)

Station Luzern (Duits: Bahnhof Luzern) is een belangrijk treinstation in Luzern. Het is in aantal reizigers het op vijf na drukste station van de Zwitserse spoorwegen. In 1971 werd het stationsgebouw door een grote brand volledig verwoest. Op 22 mei 2017 ontspoorde een intercity; meerdere dagen was er nauwelijks treinverkeer mogelijk.

Summary from Esperanto / Esperanto Wikipedia (eowiki)

Luzern estas la fervoja stacidomo de Lucerno, Svislando.

Summary from 汉语 / Chinese Wikipedia (zhwiki)

卢塞恩车站(德語:Bahnhof Luzern)是瑞士铁路网的一个重要车站,位于卢塞恩州卢塞恩市中心卢塞恩湖南侧,是一些国内和国际铁路交通的终点站。

Wikidata location: 47.0502, 8.3102 view on OSM or edit on OSM


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found 46 match candidates

relation: Bahnhof Luzern (OSM)exact location match [show tags]
name: Bahnhof Luzern
level: 0
indoor: yes
highway: footway
name:ko: 루체른 역
building: train_station
building:part: yes
way: Bahnhof Luzern (OSM), 51 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bus: yes
ele: 434
name: Bahnhof Luzern
amenity: bus_station
name:ko: 반호프 루체른
uic_ref: 8508450
operator: VBL
uic_name: Luzern, Bahnhof
trolleybus: yes
wheelchair: limited
public_transport: station
node: Luzern (OSM), 13 m from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Luzern
train: yes
network: Passepartout
railway: stop
uic_ref: 8505000
operator: SBB
uic_name: Luzern
local_ref: 8
network:short: TVLU
public_transport: stop_position
node: Luzern (OSM), 83 m from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Luzern
train: yes
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railway: stop
uic_ref: 8515182
operator: ZB
uic_name: Luzern Brünig
local_ref: 14
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network:short: TVLU
public_transport: stop_position
node: Luzern (OSM), 61 m from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Luzern
train: yes
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uic_ref: 8515182
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uic_name: Luzern Brünig
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name: Luzern
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uic_ref: 8505000
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node: Luzern (OSM), 24 m from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Luzern
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name: Luzern Bahnhof
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network:short: TVLU
network:wikidata: Q2394205
public_transport: stop_position
node: Luzern Bahnhof (OSM), 132 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bus: yes
ele: 434
name: Luzern Bahnhof
highway: bus_stop
network: Passepartout
uic_ref: 8508450
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network:short: TVLU
network:wikidata: Q2394205
public_transport: stop_position
node: Luzern Bahnhof (OSM), 81 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bus: yes
ele: 434
name: Luzern Bahnhof
highway: bus_stop
network: Passepartout
uic_ref: 8508450
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network:short: TVLU
network:wikidata: Q2394205
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node: Luzern Bahnhof (OSM), 129 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bus: yes
ele: 434
name: Luzern Bahnhof
highway: bus_stop
network: Passepartout
uic_ref: 8508450
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uic_name: Luzern, Bahnhof
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network:wikidata: Q2394205
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node: Luzern Bahnhof (OSM), 131 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bus: yes
ele: 434
name: Luzern Bahnhof
highway: bus_stop
network: Passepartout
uic_ref: 8508450
operator: VBL
uic_name: Luzern, Bahnhof
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network:short: TVLU
network:wikidata: Q2394205
public_transport: stop_position
node: Luzern Bahnhof (OSM), 101 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bus: yes
ele: 434
name: Luzern Bahnhof
highway: bus_stop
network: Passepartout
uic_ref: 8508450
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network:wikidata: Q2394205
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node: Luzern Bahnhof (OSM), 114 m from Wikidata [show tags]
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name: Luzern Bahnhof
highway: bus_stop
network: Passepartout
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network:wikidata: Q2394205
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node: Luzern Bahnhof (OSM), 107 m from Wikidata [show tags]
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ele: 434
name: Luzern Bahnhof
highway: bus_stop
network: Passepartout
uic_ref: 8508450
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uic_name: Luzern, Bahnhof
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network:short: TVLU
network:wikidata: Q2394205
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node: Luzern Bahnhof (OSM), 129 m from Wikidata [show tags]
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name: Luzern Bahnhof
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network:short: TVLU
network:wikidata: Q2394205
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node: Luzern Bahnhof (OSM), 121 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bus: yes
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name: Luzern Bahnhof
highway: bus_stop
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network:short: TVLU
network:wikidata: Q2394205
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name: Luzern Bahnhof
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way: Luzern Bahnhof (OSM), 88 m from Wikidata [show tags]
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name: Luzern Bahnhof
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way: Luzern Bahnhof (OSM), 97 m from Wikidata [show tags]
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name: Luzern Bahnhof
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highway: platform
shelter: no
operator: VBL
local_ref: U
tactile_paving: yes
public_transport: platform
way: Luzern Bahnhof (OSM), 107 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bin: no
bus: yes
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name: Luzern Bahnhof
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highway: platform
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operator: VBL
local_ref: V
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public_transport: platform
way: Luzern Bahnhof (OSM), 109 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bin: no
bus: yes
lit: yes
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name: Luzern Bahnhof
bench: no
highway: platform
shelter: no
surface: asphalt
operator: VBL
local_ref: W
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public_transport: platform
way: Luzern Bahnhof (OSM), 127 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bin: no
bus: yes
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ref: J
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name: Luzern Bahnhof
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level: 0
highway: platform
shelter: no
operator: VBL
local_ref: J
tactile_paving: yes
public_transport: platform
way: Luzern Bahnhof (OSM), 103 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bin: no
bus: yes
lit: yes
ref: E
area: yes
name: Luzern Bahnhof
bench: no
highway: platform
shelter: no
surface: asphalt
operator: VBL
local_ref: E
trolleybus: yes
tactile_paving: yes
public_transport: platform
way: Luzern Bahnhof (OSM), 106 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bin: no
bus: yes
lit: yes
ref: D
area: yes
name: Luzern Bahnhof
bench: no
highway: platform
shelter: no
surface: asphalt
operator: VBL
local_ref: D
trolleybus: yes
tactile_paving: yes
public_transport: platform
way: Luzern Bahnhof (OSM), 98 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bin: no
bus: yes
lit: yes
ref: C
area: yes
name: Luzern Bahnhof
bench: no
highway: platform
shelter: no
surface: asphalt
operator: VBL
local_ref: C
trolleybus: yes
tactile_paving: no
public_transport: platform
way: Luzern Bahnhof (OSM), 117 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bin: yes
bus: yes
lit: yes
ref: A
name: Luzern Bahnhof
bench: yes
highway: platform
shelter: yes
operator: VBL
local_ref: A
trolleybus: yes
tactile_paving: yes
public_transport: platform
way: Luzern Bahnhof (OSM), 78 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bin: yes
bus: yes
lit: yes
ref: B
name: Luzern Bahnhof
bench: yes
highway: platform
shelter: yes
surface: asphalt
operator: VBL
local_ref: B
trolleybus: yes
tactile_paving: yes
public_transport: platform
way: Luzern Bahnhof (OSM), 67 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bin: no
bus: yes
lit: yes
ref: H
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name: Luzern Bahnhof
bench: no
highway: platform
shelter: no
surface: asphalt
operator: VBL
local_ref: H
trolleybus: yes
tactile_paving: no
public_transport: platform
way: Luzern Bahnhof (OSM), 78 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bin: no
bus: yes
lit: yes
ref: G
area: yes
name: Luzern Bahnhof
bench: no
highway: platform
shelter: no
operator: VBL
local_ref: G
trolleybus: yes
tactile_paving: yes
public_transport: platform
way: Luzern Bahnhof (OSM), 98 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bin: yes
bus: yes
lit: yes
ref: F
name: Luzern Bahnhof
bench: yes
highway: platform
shelter: no
surface: asphalt
operator: VBL
local_ref: F
trolleybus: yes
tactile_paving: yes
public_transport: platform
node: Luzern (OSM), 52 m from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Luzern
train: yes
network: Passepartout
railway: stop
uic_ref: 8505000
operator: SBB
uic_name: Luzern
local_ref: 11
network:short: TVLU
public_transport: stop_position
node: Luzern (OSM), 76 m from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Luzern
train: yes
network: Passepartout
railway: stop
uic_ref: 8515182
operator: ZB
uic_name: Luzern Brünig
local_ref: 13
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network:short: TVLU
public_transport: stop_position
node: Luzern (OSM), 47 m from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Luzern
train: yes
network: Passepartout
railway: stop
uic_ref: 8505000
operator: SBB
uic_name: Luzern
local_ref: 4
network:short: TVLU
public_transport: stop_position
node: Luzern (OSM), 31 m from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Luzern
train: yes
network: Passepartout
railway: stop
uic_ref: 8505000
operator: SBB
uic_name: Luzern
local_ref: 5
network:short: TVLU
network:wikidata: Q2394205
public_transport: stop_position
node: Luzern (OSM), 12 m from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Luzern
train: yes
network: Passepartout
railway: stop
uic_ref: 8505000
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uic_name: Luzern
local_ref: 7
network:short: TVLU
public_transport: stop_position
node: Luzern (OSM), 28 m from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Luzern
train: yes
network: Passepartout
railway: stop
uic_ref: 8505000
operator: SBB
uic_name: Luzern
local_ref: 9
network:short: TVLU
public_transport: stop_position
node: Luzern Bahnhof (OSM), 95 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bus: yes
ele: 434
name: Luzern Bahnhof
highway: bus_stop
network: Passepartout
uic_ref: 8508450
operator: VBL
uic_name: Luzern, Bahnhof
local_ref: R
network:short: TVLU
network:wikidata: Q2394205
public_transport: stop_position
node: Luzern Bahnhof (OSM), 130 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bus: yes
ele: 434
name: Luzern Bahnhof
highway: bus_stop
network: Passepartout
uic_ref: 8508450
operator: VBL
uic_name: Luzern, Bahnhof
local_ref: E
trolleybus: yes
network:short: TVLU
network:wikidata: Q2394205
public_transport: stop_position
way: Bahnhof Luzern (OSM)exact location match [show tags]
name: Bahnhof Luzern
name:ko: 루체른 역
building: train_station
building:part: yes
node: Luzern (OSM), 19 m from Wikidata [show tags]
ele: 436
name: Luzern
name:cs: Luzern hlavní nádraží
name:de: Luzern
name:fr: Lucerne
network: TVLU
railway: station
uic_ref: 8505000
operator: SBB
uic_name: Luzern
wikidata: Q455450
wikipedia: de:Bahnhof Luzern
wheelchair: yes
railway:ref: LZ
internet_access: wlan
public_transport: station
wikimedia_commons: Category:Luzern railway station
toilets:wheelchair: yes
internet_access:fee: no
internet_access:operator: SBB

wikidata match: Q455450
node: Luzern Bahnhof (OSM), 115 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bus: yes
ele: 434
name: Luzern Bahnhof
highway: bus_stop
network: Passepartout
uic_ref: 8508450
operator: VBL
uic_name: Luzern, Bahnhof
local_ref: A
trolleybus: yes
network:short: TVLU
network:wikidata: Q2394205
public_transport: stop_position
node: Luzern Bahnhof (OSM), 100 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bus: yes
ele: 434
name: Luzern Bahnhof
highway: bus_stop
network: Passepartout
uic_ref: 8508450
operator: VBL
uic_name: Luzern, Bahnhof
local_ref: G
trolleybus: yes
network:short: TVLU
network:wikidata: Q2394205
public_transport: stop_position
node: Luzern (OSM), 54 m from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Luzern
train: yes
network: Passepartout
railway: stop
uic_ref: 8505000
operator: SBB
uic_name: Luzern
local_ref: 3
network:short: TVLU
public_transport: stop_position
node: Luzern Bahnhof (OSM), 75 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bin: no
bus: yes
lit: yes
name: Luzern Bahnhof
bench: no
highway: bus_stop
network: Passepartout
shelter: yes
uic_ref: 8508450
operator: VBL
uic_name: Luzern, Bahnhof
local_ref: Y
network:short: TVLU
tactile_paving: no
network:wikidata: Q2394205
public_transport: platform

Search criteria from Wikidata

view with

station (Q12819564) public_transport=station
building (Q41176) building=yes, building
bus station (Q494829) amenity=bus_station
public transport stop (Q548662) public_transport=platform, public_transport=stop_position
railway station (Q55488) railway=station
goods station (Q55493) railway=yard, landuse=railway
railway facility (Q800279) landuse=railway
bus stop (Q953806) highway=bus_stop, public_transport=platform

Search criteria from categories

Railway stations in Switzerland opened in 1856 site=railway_station, railway=halt, public_transport=station, type=site, railway=station, railway=tram_stop, railway=historic_station, public_transport=stop_area, building=train_station, railway=facility, site=railway, site=station
Railway stations in the canton of Lucerne site=railway_station, railway=halt, public_transport=station, type=site, railway=station, railway=tram_stop, railway=historic_station, public_transport=stop_area, building=train_station, railway=facility, site=railway, site=station
Swiss Federal Railways stations railway=historic_station, railway=halt, building=train_station, public_transport=stop_area, public_transport=station, railway=station, railway=tram_stop
Zentralbahn stations railway=historic_station, railway=halt, building=train_station, public_transport=stop_area, public_transport=station, railway=station, railway=tram_stop