The Battle of Imbros was a naval clash that took place on 12, 13 and 16 June 1717 near Imbros in the Aegean Sea, between the sailing fleets of Venice and the Ottoman Empire. The outnumbered Venetian Armada Grossa, under the Capitano Straordinario delle Navi Lodovico Flangini, proved herself able to match a superior Turkish force under the Kapudan Pasha Hodja Ibrahim Pasha in a manoeuvred fight that lasted nearly ten days. The outcome of this tough battle was unclear, since both fleet retired to their bases badly damaged, after Flangini died of wounds on the 22nd.
İmroz Deniz Muharebesi, 1714-1718 Osmanlı-Venedik Savaşında evre.
Bitwa morska pod Imbros – bitwa jaka miała miejsce 12, 13 i 16 czerwca 1717 podczas wojny wenecko-tureckiej 1714–1718.
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Conflicts in 1717 | historic=battlefield |
Naval battles of the Ottoman–Venetian Wars | historic=battlefield |