[timeout:300][out:json]; ( node(around:1000,-29.85080,30.99310)[place=locality][name]; way(around:1000,-29.85080,30.99310)[place=locality][name]; rel(around:1000,-29.85080,30.99310)[place=locality][name]; node(around:1000,-29.85080,30.99310)[place=suburb][name]; way(around:1000,-29.85080,30.99310)[place=suburb][name]; rel(around:1000,-29.85080,30.99310)[place=suburb][name]; node(around:1000,-29.85080,30.99310)[place=town][name]; way(around:1000,-29.85080,30.99310)[place=town][name]; rel(around:1000,-29.85080,30.99310)[place=town][name]; ); out center tags;
The Berea is a ridge above the city of Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa on the northern side which overlooks the city centre and the Indian Ocean. Berea is also used as a collective designation for the suburbs in the area. It has been described as the area between the Howard College Campus of the University of KwaZulu-Natal and the Burman Bush Nature Reserve.
Berea is 'n voorstad van Durban, Suid-Afrika aan die noordelike kant van die stad wat oor die stadskern en die Indiese Oseaan uitkyk. Berea is ook die kollektiewe naam vir die voorstede in die gebied. Dit word beskryf as die area tussen die Universiteit van KwaZulu-Natal se Howard College-kampus en die Burmanbos-natuurreservaat.
found a single match candidate
locality (Q3257686) | place=locality |
town (Q3957) | place=town |
Suburbs of Durban | boundary=administrative, place=suburb, landuse=residential, admin_level |