Novartis (Q507154)
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Basel (relation 1683619)
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- English Wikipedia categories:
Biotechnology companies established in 1996,
Biotechnology companies of Switzerland,
Companies in the Dow Jones Global Titans 50,
Companies in the S&P Europe 350 Dividend Aristocrats,
Companies in the Swiss Market Index,
Companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange,
Companies listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange,
Eyewear companies of Switzerland,
Life sciences industry,
Multinational companies headquartered in Switzerland,
Pharmaceutical companies established in 1996,
Pharmaceutical companies of Switzerland,
Swiss brands,
Swiss companies established in 1996,
Vaccine producers,
Veterinary medicine companies
Summary from Deutsch / German
Wikipedia (dewiki)
Die Novartis AG ist ein weltweit tätiger und börsennotierter Biotechnologie- und Pharmakonzern mit Sitz in Basel in der Schweiz. Novartis entstand 1996 aus der damals weltweit größten Unternehmensfusion der beiden Basler Pharma- und Chemieunternehmen Ciba-Geigy und Sandoz und gehört heute in seiner Branche zu den größten der Welt.
Summary from English
Wikipedia (enwiki)
Novartis AG is a Swiss multinational pharmaceutical corporation based in Basel, Switzerland. Consistently ranked in the global top five, Novartis is one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world and was the fourth largest by revenue in 2022.
Summary from Français / French
Wikipedia (frwiki)
Novartis est un groupe pharmaceutique suisse qui a été créé en 1996 par fusion de Ciba-Geigy et Sandoz et dont le siège social est à Bâle, en Suisse.
Summary from Italiano / Italian
Wikipedia (itwiki)
Novartis International AG è un'azienda multinazionale svizzera che opera nel settore farmaceutico. Per fatturato 2021, tra le aziende farmaceutiche Novartis si è classificata quinta con un fatturato di $51.63 miliardi di dollari. È quotata al New York Stock Exchange e allo Swiss Market Index.
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