The Congress of the People was a gathering organised by the National Action Council, a multi-racial organisation which later became known as the Congress Alliance, and held in Kliptown on 26 June 1955 to lay out the vision of the South African people. The Freedom Charter was drawn up at the gathering, which was statement of core principles of the Alliance and a symbol of internal resistance against apartheid.
Le Congrès du peuple (Congress of the People en anglais) est le nom d'un sommet anti-apartheid qui s'est tenu le 25 et le à Kliptown en Afrique du Sud. Durant ce sommet, 3 000 délégués représentant plusieurs formations anti-apartheid, réunies au sein de l'Alliance du Congrès, adoptent la Charte de la liberté qui devient dès lors le programme politique, social et économique du Congrès national africain (ANC).
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