[timeout:300][out:json]; ( node(around:1000,-40.80611,-63.12500)[natural=lake][name]; way(around:1000,-40.80611,-63.12500)[natural=lake][name]; rel(around:1000,-40.80611,-63.12500)[natural=lake][name]; node(around:1000,-40.80611,-63.12500)[natural=water][name]; way(around:1000,-40.80611,-63.12500)[natural=water][name]; rel(around:1000,-40.80611,-63.12500)[natural=water][name]; node(around:1000,-40.80611,-63.12500)[water=lake][name]; way(around:1000,-40.80611,-63.12500)[water=lake][name]; rel(around:1000,-40.80611,-63.12500)[water=lake][name]; node(around:1000,-40.80611,-63.12500)[water=pond][name]; way(around:1000,-40.80611,-63.12500)[water=pond][name]; rel(around:1000,-40.80611,-63.12500)[water=pond][name]; ); out center tags;
Laguna El Juncal (English: The Juncal Lagoon) was an important body of water located near the city of Viedma, Argentina. It covered an approximate area of 60 km long (37 mi) and 4 km wide (2 mi), running parallel to Río Negro with a separation of between 6 and 7 km (3 and 4 mi). Being a supply of animal and vegetable food in the Patagonian plateau, it was highly populated by different communities. The vestiges of those communities are important archaeological sites that have been studied by many researchers since the 19th century.
La laguna El Juncal era un importante cuerpo de agua ubicado en las proximidades de la actual ciudad de Viedma. De unos 60 km de longitud y 4 km de ancho, se extendía de forma paralela al río Negro separada de él por aproximadamente 6 o 7 km. Como fuente de recursos animales y vegetales en medio de la meseta patagónica, fue un ambiente muy habitado por diferentes poblaciones humanas. Los vestigios de esas poblaciones constituyen importantes sitios arqueológicos que fueron estudiados por numerosos investigadores desde el siglo XIX.[1]
no matches found
body of water (Q15324) | natural=water |
lake (Q23397) | water=lake |
Former lakes of South America | water=lake, water=pond, natural=lake |
Lakes of Río Negro Province | water=lake, water=pond, natural=lake |