Päästeamet on Siseministeeriumi valitsemisalas olev valitsusasutus, mille tegevusvaldkond on ennetustöö, ohutusjärelevalve, pääste- ja demineerimistöö ning kriisireguleerimise korraldamine.
The Estonian Rescue Board (Estonian: Päästeamet) is a government agency under the Ministry of the Interior of Estonia. It is tasked with maintaining a secure environment in Estonia, anticipating threats and helping people in the event of an accident. Its mission is to prevent accidents, save lives, property, and the environment. The organization provides a large number of services, including emergency response, firefighting, oil pollution removal, explosive ordnance disposal, chemical and radiation hazard elimination, water rescue etc.
Estlands räddningsmyndighet (estniska: Päästeamet) är en estländsk statlig myndighet under Estlands inrikesministerium med säte i Tallinn.
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government organization (Q2659904) | operator:type=government, government |
government agency (Q327333) | office=government, government=agency |