Adelphi Building (Q54878615)

Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Adelphi Building is an historic building in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. It is located on the northwest corner of Government and Yates Streets.

Wikidata location: 48.4268, -123.3676 view on OSM or edit on OSM


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way: Adelphi Building (OSM)exact location match [show tags]
name: Adelphi Building
source: Bing
building: retail
wikidata: Q54878615
addr:street: Government Street
wikipedia:en: Adelphi Building
addr:housenumber: 1300

wikidata match: Q54878615

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product (Q2424752) product
building (Q41176) building, building=yes
commercial building (Q655686) building=commercial