Weaver High School (Q55361184)

  • matcher place: Connecticut (relation 165794), Hartford (relation 3909995)
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Wikidata location: 41.8000, -72.7087 view on OSM or edit on OSM


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found a single match candidate

relation: Thomas Snell Weaver High School (OSM)exact location match [show tags]
name: Thomas Snell Weaver High School
source: University of Connecticut (http://magic.lib.uconn.edu/connecticut_data.html)
amenity: school
website: https://sites.google.com/hartfordschools.org/weaver
operator: Hartford Public Schools
religion: none
wikidata: Q55361184
addr:city: Hartford
addr:state: CT
short_name: Weaver High School
addr:street: Granby Street
addr:postcode: 06112
operator:type: public
name:etymology: Thomas Snell Weaver
operator:short: HPS
gnis:feature_id: 211882;1944156
addr:housenumber: 415
operator:wikidata: Q22058805
operator:wikipedia: en:Hartford Public Schools (Connecticut)

wikidata match: Q55361184

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school (Q3914) amenity=school